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Find Your Wildfire Friends on MyFirewise
It's a new year and there is no better time to jumpstart your focus on wildfire safety than now, through the latest trend in communication: social networking.

MyFirewise facilitates a dialogue between people across the country with an interest in fire preparedness - residents, fire fighters, land and resource managers, etc. The site features links to Firewise landscaping tips as well as instructional videos for community members to reference when creating their home ignition zone. The site also allows members to upload videos, pictures, and post discussion questions pertaining to wildfire mitigation.

Join in today to start learning and sharing your stories of wildfire mitigation challenges and/or successes with friends in communities across the United States.

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I'm so proud of our Firewise communities!
Y'all rock, did you know that?

The numbers aren't official yet, but the Firewise Communities/USA recognition program welcomed more than 140 new neighborhoods during 2008, nearly doubling the number of participating communities from 2007. Our annual report will come out in February with all the juicy details, including the eye-popping dollar figures of your local investment in wildfire safety work.

What's been even better, from my point of view, has been the excellent retention rate of existing communities. Ninety percent of all communities with recognition status in 2006 renewed it in 2007, and it looks like we might get there again this year. Your dedication to ongoing community Firewise action has truly helped keep your neighbors engaged and focused on wildfire safety.

I'm really proud of all the great work and activity throughout the nation. I'm especially proud today of the states that have attained 100% retention of community participation - meaning as of this morning, all their communities active in 2007 have renewed for 2008. They are:

Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Mississippi, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, West Virginia and Wyoming.

Success in the program is more than just numbers, as you know. It's your time, your effort, your willingness to join with your neighbors to make your community a safer place. I wish all of you a happy and healthy New Year and I look forward to 2009 as the best yet for Firewise.
Firewise on a Budget

The shortest days of the year are upon us, and our longer evenings provide an opportunity to think about what we can do around the house when springtime comes again. Even with an uneven economy, we can start next year off right with respect to wildfire mitigation. Here are some inexpensive springtime mitigation tasks to put on your list.

Wind, rain, snow and sleet conspire to leave all manner of vegetative litter during the winter months. Here’s what you can do----at no cost: Clean the gutters! Sweep pine needles and leaves back from the base and inside corners of your house. Remove leaves, needles and other debris from under your deck, if you have one. Walk around your yard and pick up any branches that have blown down. Investment = $00.00.

If you are storing wood against the side of the house or under your deck, move it away at least 30 feet for the duration of wildfire season. Prune back shrubs and trees that grew too close to your house last summer. Check your hoses to see if leaks have developed. If you own a generator that was not used during the winter, rev it up to be sure it is functioning properly. Investment = $00.00.

And if you have budget to purchase some plants or shrubs, make Firewise choices, planting them in such a way they cannot ignite your house once they have reached maturity. Take a look at Firewise plant lists or Google fire resistant plants.

All these things can be done at little or no cost and will pay big dividends should your house be threatened by wildfire in 2009. Have fun planning by playing Preparing Your Home for Wildfire Season. You won’t be sorry!

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