About Us - Sustainability Policy

Our core business is research and consultancy, and the commercialisation of products and services from our science discoveries and inventions. Through these routes we assist stakeholders in developing ecologically and socially sustainable policies, management practice, and systems for sustainable development. While our work has positive outcomes, its conduct consumes resources and may have some adverse impacts on the environment. Sustainability is one of our core values. Accordingly, we have adopted a sustainability policy through which we aim to provide leadership in sustainable performance in New Zealand. We do this in several ways:

  1. Embracing and promoting all aspects of sustainability in our governance, by:

  2. Caring for the environment through our activities and influence, by:

    • minimising the likelihood of accidental discharges of pollutants and having contingency plans in place to deal with these should they occur

    • minimising and mitigating the adverse effects of our activities on the environment (including biotechnologies, carbon emissions, resource consumption, waste production, and the clean-up of old fieldsites)

    • complying with all requirements of our Animal Ethics and Human Ethics committees

    • helping our staff reduce their environmental impacts at work and at home, in particular through support of our in-house sustainability groups

    • enabling stakeholders to implement the results of our research and consultancy

    • working proactively with our suppliers to increase our purchase of goods and services that are produced using sustainable practices.

  3. Caring for our staff (manaaki tangata), by:

    • providing a safe and healthy working environment that supports individual development, team-working, positive work–life balance, and job satisfaction

    • ensuring that staff are part of ongoing dialogue about our sustainability.

  4. Generating economic benefit for New Zealand, our Government owners and Landcare Research, by:

    • creating worthwhile employment, and making an appropriate rate of return on equity

    • supporting the sustainable development of New Zealand businesses and cities

    • reducing and/or eliminating plant and animal pests

    • developing management processes that increase the value of soils, habitats and landscapes, increase security of our indigenous species, and enhance biodiversity.

This policy covers all activities undertaken by Landcare Research personnel including those in the field and at our research sites.

Minor modificatiions to the policy were approved by the Board in August 2006.

Warren Parker , Chief Executive
August 2006