Landcare Research logoThe Meaning of the Maanaki-Whenua Landcare Research Logo

We must care for the land and its ability to sustain future generations.

Land is the ultimate source of healthy produce, clean water, recreation, and of spiritual strength. Land provides for the abundant diversity of life through the continuing cycle of birth, death, decay and regeneration. The environment is an inheritance for all people, and a legacy we leave to future generations.

The name of our logo is He Rau Manaaki.

The grey represents the mountains, rocks, soils, buildings and roads.
The green represents the plants and forests, the koru show growth and strength. The flowing leaves represent the inter-relationships of all environmental processes.

Manaaki Whenua - Manaaki Tangata
Care for the land - Care for the people

about the company

About Landcare Research Meaning & ethos Our logo Our taonga Ownership & governance Company structure