Welcome to the Omics Gateway

Biology has become an increasingly data-rich subject, and NPG is committed to helping the community mine those data for novel insight. Many of the emerging fields of large-scale, data-rich, biology are designated by the suffix "-omics" added onto previously used terms. The importance to the life science community as a whole of such large-scale approaches is reflected in the huge number of citations to many of the key papers in these fields; the human and mouse genome papers being the most obvious examples. The Omics Gateway provides life scientists a convenient portal into publications relevant to large-scale biology from journals throughout NPG. By organizing our papers and web focus projects on large-scale biology into this comprehensive, regularly updated, one-stop web portal, we hope to help you quickly reach the resources you need to study the -ome of your choice and to keep you up-to-date with the most significant research in that area.


Optimizing ChIP-Seq data analysis

Nature Biotechnology

4 January 2009

Repetitive sequences and chromatin accessibility can confound scoring of genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation data generated by high-throughput sequencing. Using data sets they produce for human RNA polymerase II and the transcription factor STAT1, Rozowsky et al. compensate for these biases by correcting for 'mappability' and normalizing the data against an input-DNA control.

  • Direct-to-consumer genome scanning services. Also for children?

    Nature Reviews Genetics

    1 January 2009

    Organism: Human

  • Genomics: Distinguishing drivers from passengers

    Nature Reviews Genetics

    1 January 2009

    Organism: Rodents

  • PeakSeq enables systematic scoring of ChIP-seq experiments relative to controls free

    Nature Biotechnology

    4 January 2009

    Organism: Human

  • A Bayesian deconvolution strategy for immunoprecipitation-based DNA methylome analysis free

    Nature Biotechnology

    8 July 2008

    Organism: Human

  • Network pharmacology: the next paradigm in drug discovery free

    Nature Chemical Biology

    20 October 2008

    Organism: Human

  • Human disease: Genome-wide insights into lipid levels

    Nature Reviews Genetics

    1 January 2009

    Organism: Human

  • RNA splicing: Counting, coordinating and controlling the alternatives

    Nature Reviews Genetics

    1 December 2008

    Organism: Rodents

    Organism: Human

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