For authors and referees

Each of the sections below provides essential information for authors. We recommend that authors take the time to read them before submitting a contribution to Nature. You may wish to access the more detailed site map of the guide to authors. There is also a series of information sheets available for downloading that summarizes the essential information within each section of this guide. These can be accessed in full via the documentation page, or in separate parts throughout the guide to authors. A page is available for reprint order forms, licence to publish forms and various other forms and declarations.

Please see NPG's author and referees' website for information about and links to policies, services and author benefits. See also Nautilus, our blog for authors, and Peer to Peer, our blog about peer-review.

Editorial contacts

This section provides the addresses of Nature's editorial offices; names of editorial staff; and contact details for advice, reprints, permissions, press office (for journalists, authors and authors' institutions) and other information.

Pledge to authors

Pledge of service to authors of research articles and letters in Nature journals. Available in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

Getting published in Nature

Please read this section before submitting anything to Nature. This section explains Nature's editorial criteria, and how manuscripts are handled by the editors between submission and acceptance for publication. Other advice on how to publish your paper and how to write a scientific paper is available at the NPG author and referees' website.

Manuscript formatting guide

Please read this before submitting anything to Nature. This section provides a description of all types of contribution published in Nature, and instructions for preparing, formatting and writing all types of manuscripts published by Nature.


Information about submitting your article to Nature, including presubmission enquires, MS Word templates, online submissions and notes on preparing your final manuscript.

Publication policies

This section describes Nature's policies on competing financial interests, availability of materials, corrections, retractions, complaints, publicity, duplicate publication, embargoes, payments, copyright and other publication policies. All contributions, for whatever section of the journal, are considered for publication and published on the understanding that authors agree to these terms and conditions.

For referees

Information for referees, including an overview of the peer-review process, a list of the categories of article that are peer-reviewed, advice on writing a review and policies about refereeing, ethics and biosecurity.

Reprints and other forms

On this page are the forms to download and complete before publication. These include author reprint order forms and "licence to publish" forms, as well as competing interest declarations, structure templates and others.

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