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Biofuel renewable fuel standard
Introduction Storage tank labeling
Ethanol implementation dates Storage tank preparation
Exceptions to ethanol mandate Biofuel production reporting
Posting exceptions Downloads
Delivery documentation For more information
Dispenser labeling
The 2007 Oregon Legislative Assembly passed House Bill (HB) 2210 (120 KB pdf), which includes a renewable fuel standard (RFS) mandate. HB 2210 mandates biodiesel and ethanol in Oregon’s motor fuels once production capacity levels for these products are met and requires the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) to study and monitor ethanol fuel production, use, and sales in Oregon and to implement the RFS.
The Measurement Standards Division held a public hearing June 24, 2008, and an administrative rule (90 KB pdf) has been adopted to fully implement Oregon's new renewable fuel standard and exceptions to blending gasoline with ethanol.

Ethanol implementation dates
1 Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Tillamook, Washington, and Yamhil Counties
Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Lincoln, and Linn Counties
3 Baker, Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Hood River, Jefferson, Klamath, Lake, Malheur, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Wasco, and Wheeler Counties

Exceptions to ethanol mandate
To address citizen’s concerns about the mandate to blend all gasoline with 10% by volume ethanol, the 2008 Legislature Special Assembly passed Senate Bill (SB) 1079 (36 KB pdf) that provides exceptions to this blending mandate for very specific applications.

An administrative rule (90 KB pdf) has been adopted to implement SB 1079. If you are a gasoline dealer or the owner/user of one of the exemptions and choose to use non-ethanol blended gasoline this rule affects you.

SB 1079 allows non-ethanol blended gasoline for the following applications only:

  • Aircraft,
  • Antique vehicles,
  • All-terrain vehicles,
  • Racing activity vehicles,
  • Snowmobiles,
  • Tools including but not limited to lawn mowers, leaf blowers, and chain saws, or
  • Watercraft.

Locations are not required to offer a non-ethanol blended fuel, but they have the ability to make a business decision to provide it based on customer demand.
The Oregon State Marine Board is currently surveying fuel retailers and distributors compiling a list of locations where non-ethanol blended gasoline is available. The results are posted on the Marine Board's website.

Posting exceptions
The exceptions for non-ethanol blended gasoline shall be posted at a business that sells or offers for sale non-ethanol blended gasoline in a position that is clear and conspicuous to the consumer. They must be in capitol letters and type at least 1/4 inch in height and 1/32 inch width type. Please read carefully OAR 603-027-0430(1)(c) (90 KB pdf) for specific requirements. You may also download an example (28 KB pdf) of an acceptable exception posting that you may wish to use.
Delivery documentation
Delivery documentation is required to identify that the gasoline is blended with ethanol and the volume percent of ethanol.
Dispenser labeling
Gasoline dispensers are required to be labeled that the product contains ethanol. This label is required to be on the upper 50% of the dispenser’s front panels, in a position that is clear and conspicuous from the driver’s position in type at least 1/2 inch in height and 1/16 inch width of type.

Due to the required use of 10% by volume ethanol, the label is required to state the specific amount in the gasoline blend, for example, "THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS 10% ETHANOL" or similar language. Prohibited terms and phrases include but are not limited to, "Contains up to 10% ethanol," "May contain ethanol," or any other similar language.

If a non-ethanol blended gasoline is used in compliance with the exceptions, the dispenser shall be labeled, “NON-ETHANOL BLENDED GASOLINE FOR EXEMPTED USE ONLY (ORS 646.913)”.
Storage tank labeling
Storage tank fill connections of non-ethanol blended gasoline shall be permanently, plainly, and visibly marked that the product contained therein is non-ethanol blended gasoline for use only in the exceptions complying with ORS 646.913.
Storage tank preparation
If you are not presently selling gasoline blended with 10% by volume ethanol, you will need to prepare your storage tanks prior to your first delivery.  Ethanol acts as a solvent and will quickly absorb any water and contaminants in your tank and dispense that through the system and into the consumer’s vehicle.  Proper cleaning of tanks to remove all water and sediment is essential.  Also during this transition, frequent changing of the dispenser’s filters may be required.

For information on tank preparation, you may contact the Oregon Department of Energy’s website at http://oregon.gov/ENERGY/RENEW/Biomass/Producing.shtml, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) web site at http://www.deq.state.or.us/lq/tanks/ust/index.htm or your fuel distributor.
Biofuel production reporting
The Oregon Department of Agriculture is responsible to monitor biofuel production, use and sales in Oregon. To track this information, the department created a monthly production and sales report form.
Biofuel production & sales report (MS Word 27 KB)
Biofuel production & sales report (pdf 60 KB)
These reports will help the department answer questions from legislators and other stakeholders about the status of the biofuels industry in Oregon. The department also needs monthly biodiesel production reports to determine when producers have reached the threshold to trigger Oregon’s renewable fuel standard for biodiesel.
We request that each biofuel producer complete and submit the form monthly to the department no later than the 15th of the following month. We would like all producers to submit their October 2008 production information, so the first report is due by November 15, 2008. 
Please send reports by email or regular mail to:
Stephanie Page, Renewable Energy Specialist
Oregon Department of Agriculture
635 Capitol St. NE
Salem, OR 97301

Contact Stephanie Page at 503-986-4565 or Measurement Standards at 503-986-4670 if you have questions or concerns regarding this form.

House Bill 2210 (120 KB), Effective 9/27/07
Senate Bill 1079 (36 KB), Effective 3/11/08
Permanent administrative rule (90 KB)
Sample exception poster (28 KB), 3/12/08
Notice to users of exempt equipment (520 KB), 3/17/08
Notice to Oregon gasoline dealers (524 KB), 3/26/08
Notice to Oregon gasoline dealers (67 KB), 10/11/07
Notice to biofuel producers (29 KB), 9/22/08
Notice to B100 producers and importers (53 KB), 9/23/08
Biofuel production & sales report (MS Word 27 KB)
Biofuel production & sales report (pdf 60 KB)

For more information
Oregon Department of Energy: http://oregon.gov/ENERGY/RENEW/Biomass/Producing.shtml
Oregon Department Environmental Quality: http://www.deq.state.or.us/lq/tanks/ust/index.htm
Oregon State Marine Board: http://www.boatoregon.com/OSMB/news/E10.shtml 

Measurement Standards Division
Phone: 503-986-4670
Email: msd-info@oda.state.or.us

Page updated: October 02, 2008

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