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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence



Declassified National Intelligence Estimates

SE 36 -- Soviet Capabilities for Attack on the U.S. Through Mid-1955, 5 March 1953 (10 pages).

SE 37 -- Probable Effects on the Soviet Bloc of Certain Courses of Action Directed at the Internal and External Commerce of Communist China, 9 March 1953 (21 pages).

SE 39 -- Probable Consequences of the Death of Stalin and of the Elevation of Malenkov to Leadership in the USSR, 12 March 1953 (5 pages).

NIE 80 -- Communist Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action in Korea, 3 April 1953 (20 pages).

SE 41 -- Probable Communist Reactions to Certain Possible U.N./U.S. Military Courses of Action With Respect to the Korean War, 8 April 1953 (7 pages).

SE 40 -- Communist Reactions to U.S. Establishment of a "Volunteer Freedom Corps," 13 April 1953 (4 pages).

SE 38 -- Soviet Bloc Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action in Electromagnetic Warfare, 24 April 1953 (9 pages).

SE 42 -- Current Communist Tactics, 24 April 1953 (4 pages).

SE 44 -- The Soviet Statement of 25 April 1953 in Reply to President Eisenhower's Speech on 16 April 1953, 30 April 1953 (3 pages).

NIE 81 -- Probable Soviet Courses of Action With Respect to Germany Through Mid-1954, 22 May 1953 (5 pages).

NIE 87 -- Probable Developments Within the European Satellites Through Mid-1955, 28 May 1953 (17 pages).

NIE 65 -- Soviet Bloc Capabilities Through 1957, 16 June 1953 (17 pages).

SE 46 -- Probable Long Term Development of the Soviet Bloc and Western Power Positions, 8 July 1953 (8 pages).

SE 47 -- Probable Effect of Recent Developments in Eastern Germany on Soviet Policy With Respect to Germany, 24 July 1953 (5 pages).

SE 36/1 -- Soviet Capabilities for Attack on the U.S. Through Mid-1955, 3 August 1953 (11 pages).

NIE 90 -- Soviet Bloc Capabilities Through Mid-1955, 18 August 1953 (9 pages).

NIE 95 -- Probable Soviet Courses of Action Through Mid-1955, 25 September 1953 (10 pages).

SE 53 -- Probable Communist Reactions to Certain Possible U.S. Courses of Action in Indochina Through 1954, 18 December 1953 (8 pages).




Historical Document
Posted: Mar 19, 2007 09:41 AM
Last Updated: Jul 07, 2008 01:28 PM
Last Reviewed: Mar 19, 2007 09:41 AM