Business & Cooperative Programs

Valued-Added Producer Grant (VAPG) Program

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The VAPG program provides 50%-matching grants to farmers, ranchers, foresters, and fishermen for either planning or working capital purposes to implement value-added ventures -- i.e. marketing or processing projects that add value to the commodities they produce -- or for on--the-farm renewable energy generation projects.  The goal of the program is to increase the producer's income from the commodities they produce. 

The next invitation of applications will likely be in early 2009
In 2008, the application deadline for VAPG was March 31, 2008.

Getting Started

Eligible "value-added" activities that VAPG can support:

Category #1
Commodity processing
Category #2
Market differentiation
Category #3
Commodity segregation
Category #4
Renewable energy (on-farm)
Increasing value by changing the commodity's physical state Increasing value by marketing the commodity's special identity or character Increasing value by keeping the commodity physically apart in production and distribution Realizing value by transforming natural resources into energy on the farmstead
Wine, jam, flour, sliced fruit, biodiesel
Branding (e.g., "Oregon-grown"), organics, appellations
varietal purity
Wind, solar, anaerobic digester, geothermal, on-farm biodiesel

or Working Capital

No Planning grants;
Working Capital ONLY

or Working Capital

or Working Capital

NOTE!  Working Capital applications must be supported by an independent feasibility study and a business plan. 
If you are planning to seek a Working Capital grant, you should make arrangements to obtain your supporting feasibility study as soon as possible.

Recent Projects

Application Process

Application Templates


Help for Grant Awardees


RD-Oregon contacts for the VAPG program