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Market Analysis and News

The Market Analysis and News (MAN) Branch is responsible for enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of agriculture by conducting economic, market and business feasibility research, evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of market development programs, collecting data on agricultural commodity shipments, supply and wholesale prices and disseminating information through various media.

MAN provides information on current market prices and supply of fruits, vegetables, and shell eggs, as well as market analysis and research.  Reports for fresh fruit and vegetable, ornamental crop and egg market information are disseminated via fax broadcasting, internet webpage and telephone recordings.  Over 500 reports are published per year. 

This branch also conducts market and economic research, marketing program evaluation and market news reporting.  It is an exchange of information centered on assisting an individual or organization in making wise and timely business and policy decisions.

Some of the responsibilities of the Market Analysis and News Branch include: collaborating with public and private organizations in collecting and disseminating market and economic information such as market potentials, trade barriers, economic trends, transportation and logistical arrangements, prices, supply and market conditions; conducting marketing program evaluation; and market news reporting.  The Market News reporting function of the Branch is conducted in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Market News Service.


Hawai`i Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Development Division
Market Analysis and News Branch
1428 South King Street
Honolulu, HI 96814-2512

Phone: (808) 973-9745
Fax: (808) 973-9747