Graduate Program

Michigan State University
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Graduate Assistantships

Graduate assistantships are available to work with specific KBS faculty.  Please contact an individual faculty member in your area of interest to check on current availability.

Grad Fellowship Programs at MSU

  • Research Assistantships - Available through individual faculty for research assoicated with specific externally funded grants.  Assistantships are usually half-time (20 h per week) and include tuition waivers.  Stipends vary somewhat by department.
  • MSU Distinguished Fellowship Program - A 4-year PhD fellowship program awarded on the basis of academic performance and leadership promise.
  • Plant Science Fellowships - A 2+ year PhD fellowship to work with faculty in the plant sciences, including plant community ecology, evolution, and ecosystem ecology / biogeochemistry.  Associated faculty at KBS include Professors Conner, Gross, and Robertson.
  • African American, Latino, Asian, and Latin American (ALANA) Graduate Education Opportunity Programs - A 4-year PhD fellowship program targeting underrepresented minorities in MSU graduate programs.
  • College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Graduate Financial Assistantship Program - A 3+ year PhD fellowship program targeting women and underrepresented minorities in agriculture and natural resource departments (including KBS)
  • MSU-USDA Water Science Fellowships - A 4-year fellowship for PhD candidates working in an area of water quality, broadly defined to include soil chemical and biological reactions and the transport of nutrients and chemicals into and through ground and surface waters.
  • Environmental Science and Policy Fellowships - PhD fellowships are expected to be available in 2005 for outstanding PhD candidates in the environmental sciences.

Last updated: November 12, 2007

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