K-12 Partnership

Michigan State University
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The NSF GK-12 Program at KBS

Ecological Literacy in the K-12 Classrooms of Rural Michigan

The KBS GK-12 program is part of the larger KBS K-12 Partnership for Science Literacy funded by the National Science Foundation since 1999. The GK-12 Program, begun in 2006, teams KBS graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in ecology with K-12 science teachers in rural districts near KBS. The program aims to enrich K-12 science instruction by promoting inquiry-based science teaching in participating school districts. At the same time, the program aims to provide graduate students the opportunity to improve their teaching and science communication skills. 

Major elements of the KBS program are

  • Classroom partnerships in which a GK-12 fellow works with one or more teachers in their classrooms approximately 10-12 hours per week. Fellows co-teach and additionally help teachers introduce inquiry activities related to ecological literacy into their classrooms and districts. 

  • A one week summer teaching institute for fellows and teachers, led by MSU College of Education faculty, that focuses on providing inquiry-based approaches to learning for understanding and educational leadership. 

  • School-year workshops comprised of science inquiry and teaching components designed to support classroom efforts to incorporate inquiry-based learning in K-12 science teaching.  Check out our 2008-2009 workshop topics here.

The program brings together MSU science and education faculty committed to furthering graduate and K-12 education; K12 teachers committed to changing the way they teach science; high-quality graduate students interested in furthering their teaching knowledge and skills; and district admnistrators interested in improving science teaching in their districts.

The KBS program is part of a national network of GK-12 sites funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).  NSF expects the GK-12 program to provide science graduate students skills that will broadly prepare them for their professional and scientific careers.  Through interactions with teachers in K-12 schools, graduate students are expected to improve communication and teaching skills while enriching science instruction in K-12 schools.   For more information about the GK-12 program and links to GK-12 projects in other states, visit the National GK-12 website.

For additional information about the KBS GK-12 project please contact KBS GK-12 Project Directors Phil Robertson (robertson@kbs.msu.edu) or Tom Getty (getty@kbs.msu.edu). 

How to Apply for a KBS GK-12 Fellowship (PDF)

GK-12 Orientation Website, New Fellows are expected to attend on May 23rd

KBS GK-12 Staff

Phil Robertson
GK-12 Co-Director (Lead PI) and Professor
KBS and Department of Crop & Soil Sciences

Tom Getty
GK-12 Co-Director (Co-PI) and Professor
KBS and Department of Zoology

Andy Anderson
GK-12 Co-Director (Co-PI) and Professor
Department of Teacher Education

Jeff Conner
GK-12 Co-PI and Professor
KBS and Department of Plant Biology

Gary Mittelbach
GK-12 Co-PI and Professor
KBS and Department of Zoology

Robin Tinghitella
Post-doctoral Coordinator
Kellogg Biological Station

Eileen Stryker
GK-12 Evaluation Consultant
Eileen Stryker Consulting

Last updated: September 12, 2008

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