Problem Drainage Technique Identification

Now that you have identified the general drainage characteristics of your property, it is important to get an idea of whether you should consider your drainage observations as problematic to slope stability and erosion control. If you note any changes in your slope geometry or surface characteristics during wet weather, it is very likely that drainage is driving the failure.

Consequently, it is important to know the initial condition of your property in order to assess any changes. Should you have concerns, get some technical assistance. Once you've identified problem areas, appropriate drainage techniques in Table 1 can be reviewed which may address your drainage problem. One or more of these techniques can be chosen to make up your drainage system. Refer to the section on drainage systems for more details on each technique.


Drainage Characteristic

Drainage Technique

Shallow groundwater less than 10 feet below slope crest Deep groundwater more than 10 feet below slope crest Surface water
Interceptor Drain
Relief Drain
Strip Drain
Interceptor Swale
Stormwater Detention Storage
Slope Drains
Horizontal Drains, Well Systems, Drainage Blankets
Contour Wattling
Toe Drainage
Erosion Control

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