t I 0- I B&B INFORmikriom & IMA=E M^mAkimcmm@ 300 @oftoc &=St=L"n SOUL"Ano Uposocot MAPtLisoltot MAIW P40 Z077Z 0 USA 0 czol) 24@l 10 ILLI"401S REGIONAL MEDICAL PROGM,,, JULY/AUGUST 1974 REVIEW: RM 00061 cation: This application requests altotal of $ 058,029. Brea Ef Component: 1 new Staff Member - Associate Business manager Salary $20,000 Fringes 3.600 Contract for Metropolitan $23,600 --Total Chicago Hospital Infor- mation System -------------- $300.009 323,600 --Total Program Staff 10 New Operational Proposals $734.429 1,058,029--Graad Total c The individual proposals are identified with their irogrammati objectives on page 8 of the application. Letters fiz)m both the CHP (a) and (b) agencies are inclu,ted in the application DRMP/DOD/7-16-74 JULY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: ILLINOIS RE-GIOINAL @DICAL PROGRAM RM 00061 MAY/JLNE 1974 RE-ITIEIV Request: $2,816,935 Comittee Recommendation: $2,816,935 Overall Assessment by Individual Revieivers: Average/Superior Critique: Members of the Review Committee agreed that the leadership of the I@ is strong and the program has remained in good order inspite of the phase-out threats. There was a discussion of a possible leadership lag when, on July ls+@, the current coordinator will devote 25% of his time to.the Illinois RV. The Board has established a search committee. It was aareed that with the obvious strength of the Creditor team'coupled with the short time-frame, that the decision to continue the coordinator on a part-time basis was a wise one. To bolster this, the region has been successful in re-employing many of its former staff members who had accepted other employment at phase-out. The RAG has remained in tact and are the decision-makers. The region has demonstrated a unique ability to initiate programs which have continued under other than RV dollars. Illinois has had a history of joining forces with the CHP agencies in their objective type planning efforts. The reviewers agreed that -the program proposed may begin to solve some of the problems of the Health Care Delivery System in a very complicated area of the country. JULY/AUGLJST REVIEII Estimated Request as of May 1974: $1,000,000 6/6/74 SCOB/DRNP ------------------------------------------------------------------- NATIONAL ADVISORY COUr4CIL: June 13-14, 1974' Council concurred with Committee recommendation. D@ FU,\TDING DECISION: $2,676,567 7/2/74 SCOB/DRNT