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Nuisance & Invasive Species

Nuisance Species

While people usually enjoy having wildlife around, problems sometimes arise when the activities of people and wildlife clash. We have provided links to sources of information that will help you better understand wildlife and their habits and suggest things you can do to prevent and control wildlife damage. Please note that most wildlife is protected by state and federal law, and some control activities may require permits. For help with wildlife nuisance or damage, check the Yellow Pages for licensed nuisance wildlife control operators under "Pest Control Services." Further information is available from your regional wildlife office.

Invasive Species

Invasive species are non-native species that can cause harm to the environment or to human health. As a threat to our biodiversity, they have been judged second only to habitat loss. Invasives come from all around the world; the rate of invasion is increasing along with the increase in international trade that accompanies globalization.

Invasive species have caused many problems in the past, are causing problems now, and pose threats to our future. A wide variety of species are problematic for many sectors of our world: our ecosystems, including both all natural systems and also managed forests; our food supply, including not only agriculture but also harvested wildlife, fish and shellfish; our built environments, including landscaping, infrastructure, industry, gardens, and pets. Invasive species have implications, too, for recreation and for human health.

The links on this page provide further information on invasive species and describe the Department's various programs and efforts to combat this serious problem in New York State

More about Nuisance & Invasive Species:

  • Preventing and Controlling Wildlife Damage - While people usually enjoy having wildlife around, problems sometimes arise when the activities of people and wildlife clash.
  • Nuisance Black Bear - Information about techniques that we recommend to prevent attracting bears around your home and while camping
  • Nuisance Beaver - The purpose of the nuisance beaver control manual is to provide information on the most effective techniques available for resolving beaver/human conflicts.
  • Nuisance Canada Geese - Information for dealing with nuisance Canada geese including permit requirements for take of Canada geese in New York.
  • Nuisance Gulls - Gulls are a valuable natural resource, native to New York State, that provide important recreation and enjoyment to bird watchers and the general public, but large numbers of gulls, primarily Ring-billed, Herring, and Great Black-backed Gulls, create property damage and health concerns.
  • Feeding Waterfowl - Feeding wild ducks and geese is actually harmful to the wildlife population.
  • Sea Lamprey - Sea lamprey and sea lamprey control by the Lake Champlain Fish and Wildlife Management Cooperative - - New York State DEC; Vermont Fish and Wildlife; and the US Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Terrestrial Invasive Species Eradication Grant Program - The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will provide State assistance funding through reimbursement for projects to eradicate terrestrial species identified as being invasive within the boundaries of New York State.
  • Tent Caterpillars and Gypsy Moths - A brief description of Forest Tent Caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria), Eastern Tent Caterpillar (Malacosoma americanum) and Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar).
  • Friendly Flies - Friendly flies are natural parasites of the forest tent caterpillar and are not harmful to humans.
  • Invasive Insects - Some of the tools DEC's Forest Health and Protection staff use to fight invasive species threatening our forests.
  • Giant Hogweed - This plant is a federally noxious and invasive weed that can cause severe skin and eye irritation, painful blistering, permanent scarring and blindness.