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Oregon Field Guide
The Silent Invasion
Preview of The Silent Invasion
Think Out Loud
The Silent Invasion
This season, Oregon Field Guide embarks on a year-long campaign to engage Oregonians in the battle against invasive species. At stake is the beauty and wildness of Oregon, as invasive plants, animals and insects threaten to destroy the state's most pristine environments. The series will culminate in April 2008 with an hour-long Oregon Field Guide Special "The Silent Invasion."
Preview of The Silent Invasion
The Silent Invasion Premiered Tuesday April 22, 2008 on OPB TV, if you missed it watch the preview.
Think Out Loud
Think Out Load is a talk show that deals with local issues, and an invasive species discussion has already started on their web blog at http://action.publicbroadcasting.net/opb/posts/list/992813. You are welcome to join in on Think Out Loud tomorrow—the more people we have participating with a solid understanding of invasive species management, the greater our ability to share awareness and understanding on this important issue.

Oregon Field Guide stories about invasives are available for classroom use.  Videos are listed in the "VIDEO" section of the Silent Invasion website.  There are also activities if classrooms want to get involved in some hands on work.
Page updated: January 09, 2009

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