Oregon Clean Water State Revolving Fund | Region 10 | US EPA

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Oregon Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Program Name:Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund
Program Web Site:http://www.deq.state.or.us/wq/wqgrant/wqgrant.htm
Program Manager:Larry McAllister, SRF Coordinator
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Telephone: (503) 229-6412
Facsimile: (503) 229-6037
E-mail mcallister.larry@deq.state.or.us
State Law:ORS 468.423-468.400 See the law here
State Regulations:OAR 340-054-005 to 340-054-065. The currently adopted regulations are available here.
Current State Intended Use Plan: SFY 2006 Final Intended Use Plan (PDF, 42pp. 182KB)
SFY 2007 Final Intended Use Plan (PDF, 30pp. 303KB)
Oregon Nonpoint Source Pollution PlanYou can see the Oregon NPS plan by clicking on the link below:
Oregon NPS Plan
Lower Columbia River Estuary ProgramYou can see the Lower Columbia River Estuary Program by jumping to the program's web site. You may do that by clicking on this link:
Tillamook Bay National Estuary ProgramYou can see the Tillamook Bay National Estuary Program by jumping to the program's web site. You may do that by clicking on this link: Tillamook
Most Recent State Annual Reports: SFY 2004 Annual Report (PDF, 42pp. 451KB)
SFY 2005 Annual Report (PDF, 45pp. 142KB)
SFY 2006 Annual Report (PDF, 40pp. 197KB)
Most Recent Program Evaluation Report:SFY 2004-2005 Program Evaluation Report (PDF, 80pp. 759KB)
Most Recent Financial AuditOregon SFY 2005 Audit
National Informaton Management System DataNIMS data (PDF, 47pp. 524KB)
EPA Project Officer:Michelle Tucker, CWSRF Specialist
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10
Telephone: (206) 553-1414
Facsimile: (206) 553-1065
E-mail tucker.michelle@epa.gov

Local Navigation

URL: http://yosemite.epa.gov/R10/ecocomm.nsf/State+Revolving+Fund/Oregon+Clean+Water+State+Revolving+Fund62

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