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Making a difference in your life - everyday ...

6:30 a.m.
Heading to the shower, then the sink, and on to your first cup of coffee: you rely on water flowing from your tap being clean and safe for you and your family.
Public health systems survey, certify and review all public water systems to assure safe drinking water.
7:00 a.m.
You check Web sites to start that remodeling project youre planning. Several sites mention dangers of leadbased paint, and you jot down the number for more information.
Public health systems provide information and training to assure toxic paint is handled and removed safely.
12:05 p.m.
Your stomach grumbling, you join a couple of colleagues and walk down the street to your favorite lunch spot. Its good food, fast.
From fast food to fine dining, Oregons public health systems assure food safety in all types of dining establishments.
1:45 p.m.
Your boss meets with you regarding next months business trip, and you call to confirm your stay at the conference hotel.
Public health systems enforce health standards at all hotels, motels and places of public accommodation.
3:25 p.m.
Your dentists office calls to remind you of your check-up tomorrow.
Public health systems assure all x-ray machines are safe, maintained and operated by trained professionals.
5:35 p.m.
The local news includes a story of a drug bust, making a point that the suspected meth house is only blocks from a popular park.
Public health systems train and certify professionals to assure drug labs are cleaned up and once again made into safe places.
6:10 p.m.
Sitting down to dinner, your kids excitedly talk about the promised weekend trip to the coast, and they cant wait to play in the water.
Public health systems monitor beach water and issue advisories when bacteriological contamination exceeds standards.
10:30 p.m.
The end of the day. Heading to bed, you think about just some of the things coming up: the summer camp your kids want to attend next month; their fi rst swim meet next week; your dinner date with a friend tomorrow. . .
Page updated: September 22, 2007

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