
Dying ash trees in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

These dying ash trees in the Lansdowne Subdivision in Ann Arbor, Michigan, are just one example of the devastation caused to local neighborhoods by the emerald ash borer.

The Southeast Michigan RC&D Council has sponsored several research programs to evaluate the resource availability and utilization options for ash and other removed urban trees. The following projects have been funded:

Measures of Wood Resources in Lower Michigan: Wood Residues and the Saw Timber Content of Urban Forests (Sherrill and MacFarlane, 2007)
This study characterized the volume, quality, and estimated value of southeastern Michigan's urban trees and other types of urban wood waste. According to this report, about 7.5 million cubic yards of wood residues were generated in the area in 2005. This amount would fill 354 football fields to a depth of 10 feet. [Download report]
Quantifying Urban Saw Timber Abundance and Quality in Southeastern Lower Michigan, U.S. (MacFarlane, 2007)
This condensed report highlights only the urban tree component of the 2007 southeastern Michigan wood inventory. The results showed that dead urban trees from this region could produce 4.7 million board feet of lumber annually, or enough to build 362 average-sized homes. [Download report]
Preservative Treatment of Ash Wood from Emerald Ash Borer Infested Trees (Nzokou, Pankras, and Kamdem; 2006)
This project investigated preservative treatments of ash lumber and found that it can be treated at retentions suitable for aboveground utilization with no reduction in mechanical properties. [Download report]
Borate and Imidacloprid Treatment of Ash Logs Infested with the Emerald Ash Borer (Nzokou, Petrice, Haack, and Kamdem; 2006)
This project evaluated the use of borate and imidacloprid to sanitize EAB-infested logs in order to allow for safe log transport to mills outside of quarantined zones. Indoor laboratory results showed that imidacloprid, at all concentrations tested, completely controlled the emergence of adult EAB beetles. [Download report]
Kiln and microwave heat treatment of logs infested by the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) (Nzokou, Tourtellot, and Kamdem; 2008)
This study evaluated the effectiveness of two physical treatments (conventional heating and microwave heating, to temperatures ranging from 50ºC to 65ºC) at removing EAB infestations from ash logs. [Download report]
Wood Wastes Processing and Utilization in Southern Michigan (Nzokou and Tourtellot; in progress)
The goal of this study is to understand the resource flow pattern for waste wood and green wood entering recycling yards and landfills, and to evaluate the recovery efficiency and potential alternatives for a better use of these resources.
Exploring Woody Biomass Retrofit Opportunities in Michigan Boiler Operations (CTA Architects and Engineers, Emergent Solutions, Christopher Allen + Associates, and Geodata; 2007)
This study reviewed current boiler operations in Michigan to determine the feasibility and market potential for growth of wood-fueled systems in the state. This project included the development of an interactive website that allows users to do a preliminary analysis of their costs in converting to a wood-based fuel source. Additional funding for this project is from the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth's Energy Office. [Download report]

A project of the Southeast MI RC&D


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Targeting Michigan's core emerald ash borer infestation area of Lenawee, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw, and Wayne Counties.