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 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 1.2][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 1.2]1.2 KNOTS
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 1.5][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 1.5]1.5 METHODS
[List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 2][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 2]2 KNOTTERS
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 3][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 3]3 Subclass 3 indent level is 1 Weaver`s knot
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 4][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 4]4 Subclass 4 indent level is 1 Square knot
[List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 5][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 5]5 Subclass 5 indent level is 1 Rotary lateral bill
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 6][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 6]6 Subclass 6 indent level is 2 Swinging knotter frame
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 7][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 7]7 Subclass 7 indent level is 2 Sliding jaw
[List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 8][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 8]8 Subclass 8 indent level is 2 Pivoted inner jaw
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 11][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 11]11 Subclass 11 indent level is 2 Bills
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 12][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 12]12 Subclass 12 indent level is 1 Sleeve and spindle
[List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 13][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 13]13 Subclass 13 indent level is 1 Cord holders
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 14][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 14]14 Subclass 14 indent level is 2 Notched disk
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 15][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 15]15 Subclass 15 indent level is 1 Cord guides
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 16][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 16]16 Subclass 16 indent level is 1 Needles
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 16.5][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 16.5]16.5 MACRAME
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 17][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 17]17 HAND IMPLEMENTS
 [List of Pre Grant Publications for class 289 subclass 18.1][List of Patents for class 289 subclass 18.1]18.1 MISCELLANEOUS

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