Department of Fish and Game

Marine Life Protection Act Initiative

This is the home page for the Marine Life Protection Act Initiative, as well as the home page for the South Coast Study Region. You may also look for information related to the North Central Coast Study Region and the Central Coast Study Region.

Recent News Releases

Why the Initiative?  |  Frequently Asked Questions
Memorandum of Understanding  |  MLPA Summary

The California Resources Agency and California Department of Fish and Game have partnered with the Resources Legacy Fund Foundation in an initiative to achieve the goals of the 1999 Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA). The MLPA directs the state to design and manage a network of marine protected areas in order to, among other things, protect marine life and habitats, marine ecosystems, and marine natural heritage, as well as improve recreational, educational and study opportunities provided by marine ecosystems. Scientists, resource managers, experts, stakeholders and members of the public all play important roles in guiding the outcomes of this public-private partnership. Marine protected areas include state marine reserves, state marine parks and state marine conservation areas.

Implementation of the act will occur in five study regions, in the following order:

  • Central Coast (Pigeon Point to Point Conception)
  • North Central Coast (Alder Creek near Point Arena to Pigeon Point)
  • South Coast (Point Conception to the California/Mexico border)
  • North Coast (California/Oregon border to Alder Creek near Point Arena)
  • San Francisco Bay (waters within San Francisco Bay, from the Golden Gate Bridge northeast to Carquinez Bridge)

The central coast study region planning process was completed when the California Fish and Game Commission adopted 29 central coast marine managed areas in April 2007, which was followed with formal implementation in September 2007.

The north central coast study region planning process is nearly complete in its development and evaluation of MPA proposals. The California Fish and Game Commission has received recommendations and will consider the north central coast study region proposals in summer 2008.

The south coast study region planning process will begin with a series of public workshops in June and July 2008. For more information, see the workshop announcement (Adobe Reader required).

To stay informed, join the MLPA Initiative Mailing List. For a current process update click here (Adobe Reader required).