U.S. Environmental Protection AgencyBrownfields Road Map

Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup
Based on the Fourth Edition published in September 2005 (EPA-542-B-05-001)

EPA produced the fourth edition of the Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup (EPA 542-B-05-001) to assist a broad audience of brownfields stakeholders in identifying and selecting innovative site characterization and cleanup technologies during the redevelopment process.

The Road Map outlines the steps involved in site investigation and cleanup and introduces stakeholders to the range of technology options and available resources. This site provides additional features to assist users in finding information and locating resources. Use the links on the right to:
Access the contents of the publication
Utilize additional features, such as the Road Map at a Glance
Locate contacts for obtaining assistance
Submit comments or order resources

The banner across the top of the page includes a search function, acronym list, glossary of key terms, and index of resources. A print version function also has been included to provide a print-friendly format of each page.

Download a PDF version of the Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup Download a portable document format (PDF) version of the Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Before You Begin
Site Assessment
Site Investigation
Cleanup Options
Cleanup Design and Implementation
Notice and Acknowledgments
Road Map at a Glance
Spotlights on Technologies, Processes, and Initiatives
Guide to Contaminants and Technologies
State Brownfields Contacts
EPA Regional Brownfields Contacts
EPA Technical Support Contacts
Comments and Copies
How to Submit Comments
How to Order Documents
How to Obtain Printed Versions of the Road Map