Experimental Ponds

Michigan State University
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In 1971, a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to Michigan State University provided funds for the construction of 18 experimental ponds, two holding ponds and a reservoir.

Each experimental pond was approximately 30 m in dia. with a maximum depth of 2 m and was lined with vinyl plastic to prevent seepage losses. The liners in the original 18 ponds were covered with 25 cm of compacted topsoil. 

After construction, the ponds were allowed to colonize naturally with flora and fauna from surrounding lakes, and within a few years the experimental ponds closely resembled natural systems. These conditions provided the opportunity to conduct a number of significant experiments in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s on species interactions and habitat selection in fishes. 

However, by the mid-1980’s, the ponds had become choked with dense, persistent stands of macrophytes (predominantly Ceratophyllum). These conditions made many types of experiments impossible. In 1987, a grant from the NSF program for Field Stations and Marine Laboratories funded the renovation of 9 of the original 18 ponds. In these nine ponds, the organic rich sediments and plastic liners were removed. New 20 mil PVC liners were then installed and were covered with a mixture of sand and clay (25 cm depth). This sand/clay substrate was nutrient poor compared to the original topsoil. These renovations successful returned the ponds to a less eutrophic state. Currently, Chara is the dominant vegetation cover in the renovated ponds (as it is in most nearby lakes), along with Potomogeton spp in the deeper water areas and Typha around the pond perimeters. Total phosphorous concentrations in the open water of the ponds are in the mesotrophic range (15-20 µg/L). The remaining original 9 ponds were renovated in a similar manner in late summer 2000, again with support from the NSF and MSU.

Last updated: October 22, 2006

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