The Jepson Herbarium
University of California, Berkeley

Review of name changes in California tarweeds

by Bruce G. Baldwin
Jepson Herbarium

Madia elegans

Phylogenetic and biosystematic findings led me to revise the generic positions of some tarweed (Madiinae) taxa previously placed in Hemizonia, Madia, and Raillardiopsis [see Baldwin, Novon 9: 462–471 (1999)]. To achieve a taxonomy of monophyletic genera, the circumscriptions of Hemizonia and Madia were narrowed, Raillardiopsis was abandoned, and genera were erected or resurrected for taxa removed from the three genera. Additional revisions, at the species and subspecies levels, were necessary in Blepharizonia and Hemizonia [see Baldwin et al., Systematic Botany 26: 184–194 (2001)].

The following table provides the names for species and subspecies treated in Blepharizonia, Hemizonia, Madia, and Raillardiopsis in The Jepson Manual and the currently accepted names for the same groups. Please note that circumscriptions or applications of names for species and subspecies in The Jepson Manual have not changed except for the following revisions:

  1. Deinandra (Hemizonia) increscens subsp. increscens has been redelimited to exclude populations from Alameda County, now treated as a distinct species, Deinandra bacigalupii [see Baldwin, Madroño 46: 55–57 (1999)].
  2. The types of Hemizonia congesta subsp. congesta and Hemizonia congesta subsp. leucocephala have been found to belong to the same taxon, with the name H. congesta subsp. congesta having priority.
  3. The name Hemizonia congesta subsp. congesta was misapplied in The Jepson Manual to representatives of H. congesta subsp. lutescens.
  4. Blepharizonia plumosa subsp. viscida is now treated as Blepharizonia laxa.
  5. Blepharizonia plumosa subsp. plumosa is now treated as Blepharizonia plumosa (no subsp. recognized).
  6. Centromadia (Hemizonia) pungens subsp. maritima and C. (H.) pungens subsp. septentrionalis are now treated as part of C. pungens subsp. pungens (neither subspecies is recognized).
  7. Deinandra (Hemizonia) corymbosa subsp. macrocephala is now treated as Deinandra corymbosa (no subspecies recognized).
  8. Deinandra (Hemizonia) increscens subsp. foliosa is now treated as part of D. paniculata.
Name in The Jepson Manual Revised name
BLEPHARIZONIA plumosa (Kellogg) Greene subsp. plumosa BLEPHARIZONIA plumosa (Kellogg) Greene
BLEPHARIZONIA plumosa (Kellogg) Greene subsp. viscida D. D. Keck BLEPHARIZONIA laxa Greene
HEMIZONIA arida D. D. Keck DEINANDRA arida (D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA clementina Brandegee DEINANDRA clementina (Brandegee) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA congesta DC. subsp. congesta HEMIZONIA congesta DC. subsp. lutescens (Greene) Babc. & H. M. Hall.
HEMIZONIA congesta DC. subsp. leucocephala (Tanowitz) Keil HEMIZONIA congesta DC. subsp. congesta.
HEMIZONIA conjugens D. D. Keck DEINANDRA conjugens (D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA corymbosa (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray DEINANDRA corymbosa (DC.) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA corymbosa (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray subsp. corymbosa DEINANDRA corymbosa (DC.) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA corymbosa (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray subsp. macrocephala (Nutt.) D. D. Keck DEINANDRA corymbosa (DC.) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA fasciculata (DC.) Torr. & A. Gray DEINANDRA fasciculata (DC.) Greene
HEMIZONIA fitchii A. Gray CENTROMADIA fitchii (A. Gray) Greene
HEMIZONIA floribunda A. Gray DEINANDRA floribunda (A. Gray) Davidson & Moxley
HEMIZONIA halliana D. D. Keck DEINANDRA halliana (D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA increscens (H. M. Hall ex D. D. Keck) Tanowitz DEINANDRA increscens (H.M. Hall ex D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA increscens (H. M. Hall ex D. D. Keck) Tanowitz subsp. increscens DEINANDRA increscens (H.M. Hall ex D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin subsp. increscens
HEMIZONIA increscens (H. M. Hall ex D. D. Keck) Tanowitz subsp. foliosa (Hoover) Tanowitz DEINANDRA paniculata (A. Gray) Davidson & Moxley
HEMIZONIA increscens (H. M. Hall ex D. D. Keck) Tanowitz subsp. villosa Tanowitz DEINANDRA increscens (H.M. Hall ex D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin subsp. villosa (Tanowitz) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA kelloggii Greene DEINANDRA kelloggii (Greene) Greene
HEMIZONIA lobbii Greene DEINANDRA lobbii (Greene) Greene
HEMIZONIA minthornii Jeps. DEINANDRA minthornii (Jeps.) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA mohavensis D. D. Keck DEINANDRA mohavensis (D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA pallida D. D. Keck DEINANDRA pallida (D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA paniculata A. Gray DEINANDRA paniculata (A. Gray) Davidson & Moxley
HEMIZONIA parryi Greene CENTROMADIA parryi (Greene) Greene
HEMIZONIA parryi Greene subsp. parryi CENTROMADIA parryi (Greene) Greene subsp. parryi
HEMIZONIA parryi Greene subsp. australis D. D. Keck CENTROMADIA parryi (Greene) Greene subsp. australis (D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA parryi Greene subsp. congdonii (B. L. Rob. & Greenm.) D. D. Keck CENTROMADIA parryi (Greene) Greene subsp. congdonii (B. L. Rob. & Greenm.) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA parryi Greene subsp. rudis (Greene) D. D. Keck CENTROMADIA parryi (Greene) Greene subsp. rudis (Greene) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA pentactis (D. D. Keck) D. D. Keck DEINANDRA pentactis (D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & A. Gray CENTROMADIA pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Greene
HEMIZONIA pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & A. Gray subsp. pungens CENTROMADIA pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Greene subsp. pungens
HEMIZONIA pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & A. Gray subsp. laevis D. D. Keck CENTROMADIA pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Greene subsp. laevis (D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & A. Gray subsp. maritima (Greene) D. D. Keck CENTROMADIA pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Greene subsp. pungens
HEMIZONIA pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Torr. & A. Gray subsp. septentrionalis D. D. Keck CENTROMADIA pungens (Hook. & Arn.) Greene subsp. pungens
MADIA bolanderi (A. Gray) A. Gray KYHOSIA bolanderi (A. Gray) B.G. Baldwin
MADIA doris-nilesiae T.W. Nelson & J.P. Nelson HARMONIA doris-nilesiae (T.W. Nelson & J.P. Nelson) B.G. Baldwin
MADIA hallii D. D. Keck HARMONIA hallii (D. D. Keck) B.G. Baldwin
MADIA madioides (Nutt.) Greene ANISOCARPUS madioides Nutt.
MADIA minima (A. Gray) D. D. Keck HEMIZONELLA minima A. Gray
MADIA nutans (Greene) D. D. Keck HARMONIA nutans (Greene) B.G. Baldwin
MADIA rammii Greene JENSIA rammii (Greene) B.G. Baldwin
MADIA stebbinsii T.W. Nelson & J.P. Nelson HARMONIA stebbinsii (T.W. Nelson & J.P. Nelson) B.G. Baldwin
MADIA yosemitana Parry ex A. Gray JENSIA yosemitana (Parry ex A. Gray) B.G. Baldwin
RAILLARDIOPSIS muirii (A. Gray) Rydb. CARLQUISTIA muirii (A. Gray) B.G. Baldwin
RAILLARDIOPSIS scabrida (Eastw.) Rydb. ANISOCARPUS scabridus (Eastw.) B.G. Baldwin
Taxon recently described DEINANDRA bacigalupii B.G. Baldwin
Taxon recently described HARMONIA guggolziorum B.G. Baldwin
The following names are still in use
HEMIZONIA congesta DC. Name remains the same
HEMIZONIA congesta DC. subsp. calyculata Babc. & H.M. Hall Name remains the same
HEMIZONIA congesta DC. subsp. clevelandii (Greene) Babc. & H.M. Hall Name remains the same
HEMIZONIA congesta DC. subsp. luzulifolia (DC.) Babc. & H.M. Hall Name remains the same
HEMIZONIA congesta DC. subsp. tracyi Babc. & H.M. Hall Name remains the same
MADIA anomala Greene Name remains the same
MADIA citrigracilis D. D. Keck Name remains the same
MADIA citriodora Greene Name remains the same
MADIA elegans Lindl. Name remains the same
MADIA exigua (Sm.) A. Gray Name remains the same
MADIA glomerata Hook. Name remains the same
MADIA gracilis (Sm.) D. D. Keck Name remains the same
MADIA radiata Kellogg Name remains the same
MADIA sativa Molina Name remains the same
MADIA subspicata D. D. Keck Name remains the same
Review of name changes in Baja California tarweeds
HEMIZONIA frutescens A. Gray DEINANDRA frutescens (A. Gray) B. G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA greeneana Rose subsp. greeneana DEINANDRA greeneana (Rose) B. G. Baldwin subsp. greeneana
HEMIZONIA greeneana Rose subsp. peninsularis Moran DEINANDRA peninsularis (Moran) B. G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA martirensis D. D. Keck DEINANDRA martirensis (D. D. Keck) B. G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA palmeri Rose DEINANDRA palmeri (Rose) B. G. Baldwin
HEMIZONIA perennis (Greene) D. D. Keck CENTROMADIA perennis Greene
HEMIZONIA streetsii A. Gray DEINANDRA streetsii (A. Gray) B. G. Baldwin
Name changes in non-tarweed helenioid Heliantheae
ERIOPHYLLUM nevinii A. Gray CONSTANCEA nevinii (A. Gray) B. G. Baldwin
LEMBERTIA congdonii (A. Gray) Greene MONOLOPIA congdonii (A. Gray) B.G. Baldwin
WHITNEYA dealbata A. Gray ARNICA dealbata (A. Gray) B.G. Baldwin

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