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Photo of a substation that interconnects wind turbines in the California desert.

This substation interconnects distributed wind turbines with the electric power system.

NREL's electric infrastructure R&D activities are focused on two areas: distributed energy electrical systems integration R&D and advanced distribution technologies and operating concepts.

Our distributed energy electrical systems integration R&D supports the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Distributed Energy Program. This work involves developing technologies, systems, and methods to interconnect distributed energy generators with the power grid.

Our research in the areas of advanced distribution technologies and operating concepts supports the DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Electric Distribution Program. This work involves developing operational concepts and technologies that will allow interconnected distributed energy resources to be used to strengthen the power grid and improve its reliability.

Work in these areas is focused on:

NREL also supports the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Distributed Energy Program through its Distributed Thermal Energy Technologies research.

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Content Last Updated: July 25, 2008