Learning Among Friends


My Colby-Sawyer Experience

"I am really impressed with faculty here, who are dedicated teachers and scholars. I like the atmosphere. I could not imagine a friendlier welcome." - Ewa Chrusciel, Assistant Professor, Humanities
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business administration

business students with Professor Quinn

Business Administration students at Colby-Sawyer examine organization structures, how businesses are managed, and how they operate. They also consider the economic ramifications brought about by the world's rapidly changing environment and the importance of globalization as a business concept. Our students study the application of new technologies, the increasing use of teams to accomplish business goals, and the need for a successful commercial enterprise to be sensitive not only to bottom-line profit, but to ethical, humanistic, and social issues as well.

In order to achieve these ambitious goals, the business curriculum rests on a solid foundation in the liberal arts. We believe this foundation is essential for anyone who expects to understand the complexities in today's business world, to discover the opportunities for introducing innovation, and to participate in the enjoyment of success. Graduates with this major receive a B.S. in Business Administration.

For curriculum information, visit our College Catalog.

Colby-Sawyer College
541 Main Street
New London, NH 03257
Tel: 603-526-3000