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Kaine seeks to put state at head of 'green' class

He proposes tax incentives to get businesses and homeowners to invest in solar, wind and biofuels.

VIRGINIA BEACH - — Gov. Timothy M. Kaine toured a Hampton Roads solar panel warehouse Monday to highlight his effort to bolster new energy alternatives at the General Assembly this year with tax breaks and financial incentives.

Kaine wants to promote solar, wind and biofuel power and get more businesses and homeowners to invest in emerging technology. Kaine said his package of four bills would help the environment, nurture existing companies and help create new high-paying jobs even as the national economy suffers.

"Companies like Solar Services will play a major role in developing green jobs," Kaine said. "We can't stop innovating, and we can't stop investing."

Richard Good, who ran the solar company out of a garage during leaner times, said Virginia used to be a national leader in encouraging people to search for different power sources. He said there is a tremendous amount of growth potential for energy-efficient businesses.

"It's a sunny state," Good said. "This is an energy that is really at the very beginning. ... Our future is bright."

Good walked Kaine through a chilly Solar Services warehouse packed with table-sized panels that he said have been sold primarily to help heat pools. Good said it would cost the average homeowner about $8,000 to get a solar system, but there are a number of tax breaks available in addition to the savings on heating bills.

But Good acknowledged that Kaine's initiatives are largely symbolic, and he estimated that the incentives could trigger about 200 businesses and private citizens across the state to plunk down the money to get an alternative system up and running.

Energy production, consumption and efficiency could get extra scrutiny during this year's General Assembly session as lawmakers work to balance the state budget as the national economy falters.

Kaine has already announced his plan for a series of cuts for everything from public school funding to Medicaid, and budget negotiators are bracing for more bad news about state tax revenues hurt by a stagnant housing market.

It's unclear exactly how the General Assembly will react to Kaine's ideas, especially during his final session as the state's top executive. But the Sierra Club and all three Democrats running for governor — state Sen. Creigh Deeds, former state Del. Brian Moran and national Democratic activist Terry McAuliffe — came out in full-throated support of the plans.

"It's not just about tightening the belt," Kaine said. "We have to invest in Virginia."

Kaine staffers are still crafting a handful of legislative proposals, but he said the plan was to offer incentives for farmers to grow biofuels, grants for solar, wind, biomass and nuclear energy, income tax credits for individuals and businesses using alternative energy, and permanent sales and use tax exemptions for buying and using the technology.

Kaine cautioned that the biofuel incentives would put a premium on crops that don't interfere with the food supply — a nod to criticism of ethanol's effect on food prices. Kaine said the idea is to get farmers to grow winter crops that can be turned into fuel while simultaneously cutting down on erosion that pollutes the Chesapeake Bay.

William A. "Skip" Stiles, a local member of Kaine's climate change commission, said implementing Kaine's plans would help create reliable high-paying jobs for innovators, plumbers, electricians and mechanics.

But Skiles said the energy package is only the beginning.

"We've got a lot of ground to catch up," he said.

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Related topic galleries: Local Elections, Virginia, Timothy M. Kaine, State Budgets, Government, Food Industry, Executive Branch

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