Storm Water Permit Program in Indian Country | Region 10 | US EPA

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Storm Water Permit Program in Indian Country

General Information | Storm Water Permits | Regulations | EPA/Tribal Consultation on Permits

Permits for Storm Water Discharges

To prevent pollutants in storm runoff from entering surface waters, the federal Clean Water Act requires that stormwater discharges from construction, industrial and municipal sources obtain NPDES permit coverage.

EPA issues NPDES permits in all Indian Country, and works closely with Tribal water quality programs to educate the regulated community about these requirements

The links below describe each permit program in more detail.

Federal regulations discuss the tribal role in the NPDES storm water program:

40 CFR 122.31: As a Tribe, what is my role under the NPDES storm water program?

Link to entire text of 40 CFR Part 122 - EPA Administered Permit Programs: The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System

EPA Region 10 Consultation with Tribes regarding Storm Water Permitting Issues:

Link back to Region 10's Storm Water Web Page

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