Area Habitats

Michigan State University
W. K. Kellogg Biological Station Calendar · People ·


Since the 1970’s researchers from Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) have collected a rich body of knowledge on the limnology and ecology from the many lakes in the area. In the field season of 2006 we monitor 18 lakes that differ in morphology, zooplankton composition, and productivity.

The KBS Academic Center is located on the shores of Gull Lake; with 821 hectare surface area and a depth of 33 m this lake is the largest and deepest lake in our sampling program. On the other end of the spectra, Shaw Lake with its 1.9 ha surface area and 5.5 m maximal depth is the smallest water body that we sample. Wintergreen Lake with total phosphorus (TP) levels of 77 µg/L is by far the most eutrophic lake, TP for all our other lakes is much lower and range between 7 and 26 µg/L, where Pine Lake is the most oligotrophic lake. Most lakes are dimictic and only Hall Lake and Shaw Lake are too shallow to exhibit a strong vertical stratification in summer. All lakes are alkaline with pH typically between 7 and 8.

For more information on the lakes in the vicinity of KBS please check the pages below or contact Elena Litchman’s lab.

Lake links

Baker, Basset, Bristol, Cloverdale, Deep, Gull, Hall, Lawrence, Litlle Mill, Long, Pine, Shaw, Sherman, Tamarack, Three Lakes II, Warner, Whitford, Wintergreen


Wintergreen Lake (Duffy)
Little Mill Lake (Caceres)
Warner Lake (Duffy)
Cloverdale Lake (Duffy)
Little Mill Lake (Caceres)

The lake information on this website is the result of research conducted at KBS and was supported in whole or in part by multiple grants from the National Science Foundation to C.E. Cáceres, S.R. Hall, S.K. Hamilton, C.A. Klausmeier, E. Litchman, G.G. Mittelbach, and A. J. Tessier.


Last updated: October 17, 2007

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