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Title Publication Number Date Format Pages
Acid Mine Drainage: Innovative Treatment Technologies October 2003 PDF 52
Assessing Contractor Capabilities for Streamlined Site Investigations EPA 542-R-00-001 January 2000 PDF 15
Poland Biosolids Smelter Waste Reclamation Project EPA 832-R-00-009 July 2000 PDF 6
EPA Office of Compliance Sector Notebook Project - Profile of the Metal Mining Industry EPA 310-R-95-008 September 1995 PDF 137
Cost and Performance Summary Report. In Situ Biosolids and Lime Addition at the California Gulch Superfund Site, OU 11, Leadville, Colorado February 2005 PDF 7
Citizen's Handbook to Address Contaminated Coal Mine Drainage, A EPA 903-K-97-003 September 1997 PDF 114
Using Biosolids for Reclamation/Remediation of Disturbed Soils PDF 26
Brownfields Mine-Scarred Lands Initiative-Federal Agencies Collaborate with Communities EPA-560-F04-252 September 2004 PDF 4
Human Factor in Mining Reclamation, The 2000 PDF 34
Abandoned Mine Site Characterization and Cleanup Handbook EPA 910-B-00-001 August 2000 PDF 408
Vapor Intrusion Issues at Brownfields Sites December 2003 PDF 78
Brownfields Technology Primer: Selecting and Using Phytoremediation for Site Cleanup EPA 542-R-01-006 July 2001 PDF 45
Managing Uncertainty in Environmental Decisions October 2001 PDF 7
Brownfields Technology Primer: Requesting and Evaluating Proposals that Encourage Innovative Technologies for Investigation and Cleanup EPA 542-R-01-005 February 2001 PDF 57
Directory of Technical Assistance for Land Revitalization (BTSC) EPA 542-B-03-001 June 2003 PDF 129
Characterization of Mine Leachates and the Development of a Ground-Water Monitoring Strategy for Mine Sites EPA 600-R-99-007 February 1999 PDF 299
Environmental Insurance Products Available for Brownfields Redevelopment February 2006 PDF 58
Use of Dynamic Work Strategies Under a Triad Approach for Site Assessment and Cleanup - Technology Bulletin EPA 542-F-05-008 September 2005 PDF 9
Understanding Procurement for Sampling and Analytical Services Under a Triad Approach EPA 542-R-05-022 June 2005 PDF 63
State Brownfields Insurance Programs February 2006 PDF 19
Road Map to Understanding Innovative Technology Options for Brownfields Investigation and Cleanup, Fourth Edition EPA 542-B-05-001 September 2005 PDF 170
Mine Site Cleanup for Brownfields Redevelopment: A Three-Part Primer EPA 542-R-05-030 November 2005 PDF 89
Hope and Hard Work-Making a Difference in the Eastern Coal Region July 2001 PDF 41
Innovations in Site Characterization Case Study: The Role of a Conceptual Site Model for Expedited Site Characterization Using the Triad Approach at the Poudre River Site, Fort Collins, Colorado EPA 542-R-06-007 November 2006 PDF 144
Using the Triad Approach to Improve the Cost-effectiveness of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanups EPA 542-R-01-016 October 2001 PDF 8
Case Study of the Triad Approach: Expedited Characterization of Petroleum Constituents and PCBs Using Test Kits and a Mobile Chromatography Laboratory at the Former Cos Cob Power Plant Site EPA 542-R-04-008 June 2004 PDF 116
Brownfields Insurance for Public Sector-Led Development Projects: Experience and Methods May 2005 PDF 71
Assessment of Environmental Liability Insurance Options for Cleanup Activities May 1999 PDF 8
Demonstrations of Method Applicability under a Triad Approach for Site Assessment and Cleanup - Technology Bulletin EPA 542-F-08-006 August 2008 PDF 15
Green Remediation: Incorporating Sustainable Environmental Practices into Remediation of Contaminated Sites EPA 542-R-08-002 April 2008 PDF 54
Brownfields Technology Primer: Vapor Intrusion Considerations for Redevelopment 542-R-08-001 March 2008 PDF 49
Management and Interpretation of Data Under a Triad Approach - Technology Bulletin EPA 542-F-07-001 May 2007 PDF 14

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