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Distributed Energy Testing and Certification

Photo of an NREL researcher servicing a microturbine.

This microturbine is one of many generation technologies tested at NREL's Distributed Energy Resources Test Facility.

For distributed energy resources to become common in our electric power system, they must first be tested, characterized, and certified. Thorough testing and certification will ensure these systems perform safely and reliably.

NREL's distributed energy resource testing and certification activities are performed primarily at the Distributed Energy Resources Test Facility. This state-of-the-art facility includes generation, storage, and interconnection technologies as well as electric power system equipment to simulate a real-world electric system.

Researchers at the facility can vary equipment configurations and introduce common electrical disturbances such as sags, swells, and harmonic issues. These capabilities allow them to evaluate the real-time dynamics of distributed power systems, collect information about the long-term performance of such systems, and test new design concepts.

Recent Publications

The following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Acrobat Reader.

  • Ye, Z.; Dame, M.; Kroposki, B. "Grid-Connected Inverter Anti-Islanding Test Results for General Electric Inverter-Based Interconnection Technology" (PDF 501 KB). NREL/SR-560-37200. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. January 2005.

  • Kroposki, B.; Basso, T.; DeBlasio, R. "Interconnection Testing of Distributed Resources: Preprint" (PDF 514 KB). NREL/CP-560-35569. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. February 2004.

  • Key, T.; Sitzlar, H.E.; Ferraro, R. "DER Certification Laboratory Pilot, Accreditation Plan, and Interconnection Agreement Handbook" (PDF 2.4 MB). NREL/SR-560-34588. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. November 2003.

  • Kroposki, B.; Englebretson, S.; Pink, C.; Daley, J.; Siciliano, R.; Hinton, D. "Validation of IEEE P1547.1 Interconnection Test Procedures: ASCO 7000 Soft Load Transfer System" (PDF 1.4 MB). NREL/TP-560-34870. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. September 2003.

  • Distributed Utility Associates. "DUIT: Distributed Utility Integration Test" (PDF 2.9 MB). NREL/SR-560-34389. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. August 2003.

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Content Last Updated: July 25, 2008