Oregon Labor Market Information System
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Publications Available Online!
The Workforce and Economic Research Division of the Oregon Employment Department has a variety of publications to choose from, and most are available to be downloaded directly in either HTML or Adobe Acrobat Format. Adobe is better for printing your own copy of the publication and is available as a link within the publication.

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This monthly newsletter contains the latest information on trends in employment and unemployment, as well as providing in-depth coverage of a wide range of economic and labor market topics.
A Local Labor Trends newsletter is published each month for each of 13 regions within the state, and each contains the most recent information on local area employment and unemployment.
A complete set of Local Labor Trends newsletters for each of 13 regions within the state. It contains the most recent information on local area employment and unemployment.
Reports & Analysis
A new model examines which Oregon occupations may represent the best investment of public-sector workforce and training dollars.
This publication is aimed at the career planning needs of students. It contains information about how to select and prepare for a career.
If you've been wondering what positions are going unfilled, and what companies are looking for in terms of education and experience, this report on job vacancies is for you.
Recent employment trends, 10-year projections, and the economic argument in favor of higher educational attainment.
Employment and wage data by industry for those workers covered by unemployment insurance (272 pages). Search for employer-reported employment and wage data at the Covered Employment and Wages Data Center.
Find out what occupations have a lot of job openings and how much education you need to pursue them.
Find out what occupations have a lot of job openings and how much education you need to pursue them.
The 2008 edition of Oregon Wage Information provides wage data for hundreds of occupations (190 pages). It offers a broad spectrum of wage rates from many sectors of Oregon's economy, and is designed to assist job seekers, employers, career planners, industrial developers, and others needing Oregon wage rates for specific occupations.

Click here for a list of frequently asked questions about Oregon wage information data.

Baby boomer retirements will keep the job market tight. How can employers adjust?
Are you a parent, do you work in education, or do you work with parents? This brochure is full of career guidance information for parents to help their children's career development.
Growing numbers of Oregon Hispanics are changing the face of the state's employment profile.
This report provides the results of a fall 2005 survey of Oregon private-sector employers. It presents information on benefits employers most commonly offer to their employees, such as vacation leave, holiday leave, and health care insurance. Information is available for Oregon as a whole as well as for 14 industry sectors, six geographic regions, and six firm-size groups.
Are there enough trained health care workers in Oregon? Several occupations face high demand, triggered by growth and retirements.
What are the average wages for auto mechanics? What are beginning wages for accounting clerks? What are the going wages for experienced cooks? These tables provide answers to questions like these for occupational wages for the state and each region of Oregon.
More "Reports & Analysis"
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Entérese cuáles ocupaciones tienen más oportunidades de trabajo y cuánta educación necesita dedicarles.
Esta publicación se dirige a las necesidades de planificación de carrera de estudiantes. Contiene la información sobre cómo seleccionar y prepararse para una carrera. Carrera de estudiantes. Contiene la información sobre cómo seleccionar y prepararse para una carrera.
¿Tiene hijos?, ¿Trabaja en el sistema de educación? o ¿Trabaja con padres de familia? Esta publicación es una guía completa de carreras profesionales para que los padres ayuden a sus hijos en su desarrollo profesional.
Un número creciente de Hispanos en Oregon están cambiando el perfil de empleos en el estado.
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The targeted dates for national, state, and local-area releases of the unemployment rate and employment survey data have been set for 2009.
Around the State is a weekly tip-sheet that summarizes major employment-related news from around Oregon.
The Business Employment Dynamics (BED) show the dynamic labor market flows that underlie the net changes in aggregate employment levels. This change in employment is the net result of gross job gains and gross job losses that occur at establishments throughout the economy.
Fast Facts is a monthly snapshot of key indicators of workforce trends.
The latest update on the state of employment and unemployment in Oregon.
A data sheet that provides the most recent monthly estimated labor force, employment, unemployment, and unemployment rates for the U.S., Oregon, and labor market areas within the state.
Find out how you can receive short news items and articles on Oregon's work force situation by e-mail.
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These packets provide population, occupational, and applicant characteristics by sex and minority status. This information is tailored to the needs of people responsible for creating affirmative action plans.
Tables of monthly and annual average agricultural employment by area.
These data tables contain annual and monthly average weekly earnings, average hourly earnings, and average weekly hours for all employees.
These data tables contain average weekly earnings, average hourly earnings, and average weekly hours for all employees.
This data table shows year-to-date CPI data for the U.S. and Portland, plus annual average data back to 1970.
Whether you are looking for the largest industries, the occupations with the most job openings, or the fastest-growing occupations, you will find the information here.
These regional table provide employment data by industry and occupation. Whether you are looking for the largest industries, the occupations with the most job openings, or the fastest-growing occupations, you will find the information here. The full publication, Employment Projections by Industry and Occupation, 2006-2016, can be viewed online.
High-wage, high-demand, and high-skill occupations are presented by workforce region.
Presents a variety of data elements the Oregon Employment Department gathers in the course of taking requests for workers from employers.
These tables contain annual average and monthly labor force, unemploment, and employment by industry for each labor market area.
These tables contain annual data on population, labor force, covered employment and payroll, gross farm sales, per capita income, and housing permits for each labor market area.
These tables contain per capita personal income data compiled by the Bureau of Economic Analysis for the U.S., Oregon, and each labor market area.
A table showing the population of the state and the counties for each year from 1990-2007.
These data tables contain monthly and annual statistics on hours worked and wages earned by industry for metropolitan areas in Oregon.
A snapshot of major industry and occupational characteristics produced for each of the 15 workforce regions.
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Wages increase and unemployment decreases with higher levels of education.
Los altos niveles de educación hacen que los sueldos aumenten y el desempleo disminuya.
See what types of skills employers want their workers to have.
Vea qué tipos de habilidades quieren los empleadores que sus empleados tengan.