Beetles kill hardwood trees

Asian Longhorn BeetleIn recent years, the Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) and other wood-boring beetles have been entering North America in solid wood packing material from Asia. Some of these insects have the potential to become very serious pests of North American forests.

Isolated infestations of the Asian longhorned beetle (ALB) have been discovered in Chicago and New York. In China, this insect is a serious pest that kills hardwood trees. Tunneling by beetle larvae girdles tree stems and branches. Repeated attacks lead to dieback of the tree crown and eventual tree death.

Tree hosts:

In the United States, the ALB prefers maple species (Acer spp.), including boxelder, Norway, red, silver, sugar and sycamore maples. Other known hosts are horsechestnut, black locust, elms, birches, willows, poplars, and green ash.

We Need Your Help!

Early detection of ALB infestations and rapid treatment response are critical to successful eradication of this beetle.

If you find a "suspect beetle" in Missouri:

  1. Collect the insect in a plastic jar and place it in a freezer to kill it.
  2. Note the date and location where the insect was found.
  3. Immediately contact one of the following:

Collin Wamsley, State Entomologist
Missouri Department of Agriculture
PO Box 630
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Tel. (573) 751-5505

Rob Lawrence, Forest Entomologist
Missouri Department of Conservation
1110 S. College Ave.
Columbia, MO 65201
Tel. (573) 882-9880

Your local office of:
Missouri Department of Conservation or University of Missouri Outreach and Extension