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A woodland scene
Oregon Board of Forestry
About the Oregon Board of Forestry
Board of Forestry Decision System Process
Board of Forestry Work Plans
Board of Forestry Issue Scan
Sustainable Forestry Indicators
About the Oregon Board of Forestry
Hinkle Creek Research Project
The Oregon Board of Forestry...
  • Supervises all matters of forest policy within Oregon
  • Appoints the State Forester
  • Adopts rules regulating forest practices
  • Provides general supervision of the State Forester´s duties in managing the Oregon Department of Forestry. 
The seven-member citizen Board is appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the state Senate.  No more than three members may receive any significant portion of their income from the forest products industry. At least one member must reside in each of the state´s three major ODF administrative regions east, south and northwest. The term of office is four years and no member may serve more than two consecutive full terms. The State Forester serves as secretary to the Board.
It is the Mission of the Oregon Board of Forestry to... lead Oregon in implementing policies and programs that promote environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable management of Oregon´s 28 million acres of public and private forests.
To achieve our mission, it is the Vision of the Board of Forestry that Oregon will have...
  1. Healthy forests providing a sustainable flow of environmental, economic, and social outputs and benefits.
  2. Public and private landowners willingly making investments to create healthy forests.
  3. Statewide forest resource policies that are coordinated among Oregon´s natural resources agencies.
  4. A Board of Forestry recognized as an impartial deliberative body operating openly and in the public interest.
  5. Citizens who understand, accept, and support sustainable forestry and who make informed decisions that contribute to achievement of the vision of the 2003 Forestry Program for Oregon.
  6. Adequate funding for the Department of Forestry to efficiently and cost-effectively accomplish the mission and strategies of the Board of Forestry, and department personnel policies that encourage and recognize employees, allowing them to meet their full potential in providing excellent public service.

Board of Forestry Advisory Committees

Board of Forestry Decision System Process
Hinkle Creek Research Project
In order to fairly utilize the time commitments required of a member of the Oregon Board of Forestry, it is incumbent that the Board structures its activities to be as efficient and productive as possible. A well-defined systems-based approach to decision-making can offer the ability to manage an increasingly more lengthy and complex set of issues.
In this context, a systems-based approach is defined as one that ensures that the Board’s work reflects the following specific characteristics that lead to an effective forest policy setting body:
  • Provides transparency for all Board activities
  • Outlines a predictable sequence of events for any decision-making effort
  • Is a process that is agreed to and understood by all Board members
  • Facilitates the Boards ability to exercise leadership, manage conflict, and create a high level of forward thinking
  • Encourages policy-making that is adaptive and responsive to rapidly changing needs and concerns
  • Utilizes both Board and staff time as efficiently and effectively as possible
  • Fully integrates the use of sound science
  • Is recognized by stakeholders as a place to be fully heard and understood
  • Maintains the Board’s commitment to consensus decision-making
  • Allows new Board members to effectively contribute as quickly as possible
  • Is focused on creating results
  • Is efficiently documented
  • Supports continuity
  • Fully aligns with the Board’s statutory responsibilities
Here is more information about the Board of Forestry Decision System:

Board of Forestry Work Plans
Hinkle Creek Research Project
Here are the latest versions of the eight Board of Forestry Work Plans:

Board of Forestry Issue Scan
Hinkle Creek Research Project
The Board's system for organizing its work calls for periodic "issue scans" during which the public and stakeholders are asked to suggest topics and issues to help the Board shape its future work.
More than 160 suggestions were received during the 2007 issue scan's two-month comment period, which closed on July 31.  These suggestions were reviewed by ODF staff, and a work group appointed by the Board in preparation for initial consideration by the full Board at the January 9, 2008 Board meeting.
The staff report and issue scan overview provide an overview of the 2007 issue scan and the resulting recommendations to the Board.

Responses to specific comments
Department staff reviewed and fomulated a response to each comment. This included grouping the comments by subject area, and recommending inclusion of each in a category (listed and described below) related to the Board's current work plans. This analysis was then submitted to the Board-appointed work group for discussion, review, modification, and concurrence.
To find the response to a specific comment:

Links to other useful documents

Work Group members
The following people served on the work group that reviewed the comments received during the 2007 issue scan process and made recommendations to the Board:
  • Jennifer Phillippi, Member of the Board of Forestry
  • Steve Hobbs, Chair of the Board of Forestry
  • Tally Patton, Member of the Northwest Regional Forest Practices Advisory Committee
  • John Bliss, Professor, Associate Department Head, College of Forestry, Oregon State University [representing academia]
  • Bill Arsneault, Member of the Committee for Family Forestlands
  • Tim Josi, Member of the Forest Trust Lands Advisory Committee
  • Bob Van Dyk, Wild Salmon Center [representing conservation groups]
  • Bobby Brunoe, General Manager, Natural Resource Management Services, The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs [public member]
  • Chris Neamtzu, AICP, Long Range Planning Manager, City of Wilsonville [representing urban forestry]
  • Barrett Brown [representing recreation groups]

Four analysis categories
The work group and staff will divide the input received into the following categories:
Category 1:   Topics not currently addressed in an existing work plan, but appropriate for Board work. The Board may agree to create work plans, or to address suggested topics as part of existing work plans.
Category 2:   Topics already addressed in current work plans.  This input will be considered as the Board proceeds with its work.
Category 3:   Suggestions that don't lend themselves to inclusion in a work plan.  (General expressions of views, opinions, value statements, etc.)
Category 4:   Issues beyond the Board's purview (will be referred to other agencies or authorities as appropriate).

2005-2006 Issue Scan
Information on the 2005-2006 Issue Scan can be found here

For questions about the issue scan process, contact:
Dan Postrel
Agency Affairs Program Director
Oregon Department of Forestry
2600 State Street
Salem, OR  97310
PH:  503-945-7420
FAX: 503-945-7212
email: dpostrel@odf.state.or.us

Sustainable Forestry Indicators
Hinkle Creek Research Project
In 2003, the Oregon Board of Forestry revised its strategic forest policy document, the Forestry Program for Oregon, and incorporated into state policy an internationally recognized framework for measuring and discussing sustainable forest management.
In March of 2005, the Board of Forestry's ad hoc Sustainable Forest Management Advisory Committee was appointed from a broad range of stakeholders and given the charge to:
1. Coordinate with technical experts to reach both strong policy and technical consensus on a set of recommended sustainable forest management indicators for use in measuring Forestry Program for Oregon implementation progress.
2. Solicit and summarize broad stakeholder input on both the usefulness of the recommended indicators and potential desired future outcomes for these indicators.
3. Provide advice to the Board of Forestry both on recommended indicators and desired future outcomes.
4. Provide advice to the State Forester on future Forest Assessment Project priorities.
The committee met for the first time in Salem on April 27 mostly to get oriented and organized. In addition to biological diversity, indicators will be developed for forest ecosystem health, social and economic benefits, forest productive capacity, soil and water resources, and legal and institutional frameworks (matching the seven strategies in the Forestry Program for Oregon).
Additional information about the committee and the project, including background, project planning, committee membership and meeting information, and core indicator development, can be accessed on the web page for the Sustainable Forestry Indicators Project.

About the photos used on this web page:
All of the photos on this web page were taken by Arlene Whalen, Public Affairs Specialist with the ODF Agency Affairs Program, at the Hinkle Creek Research and Demonstration Area in southern Oregon. Hinkle Creek is a cooperative research project jointly being conducted by Oregon State University and Oregon Department of Forestry on private lands owned and managed by Roseburg Forest Products.


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