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Welcome to EXPLORE PLANTS home of the Native Plant Information Network (NPIN). Our goal is to assemble and disseminate information that will encourage the cultivation, conservation and preservation of wildflowers and other native flora throughout North America. We are constantly making improvements to NPIN so let us know how we are doing by emailing the NPIN Director.
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Native plant: Teucrium laciniatum (Cut-Leaf germander, Dwarf germander, Lacy germander) A 3-6 in., tufted perennial with several erect stems and deeply cut, narrowly lobed leaves. Small, white, funnel-shaped flowers are crowded at the top of the plant, and colored with purple lines in the throat.
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Mr. Smarty Plants: When is a good time to visit Texas to see the Bluebonnets?
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Supplier: American Desert Plants Inc. (Tucson, AZ) We specialize in large specimen plants that are salvaged and collected from the Sonoran, Mohave, and Chihuahuan deserts. We carry a wide selection of yuccas, agaves, cacti, dasylirion, fouqieria, nolinas, and countless other types of low water use.
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Organization: American Botanical Council (Austin, TX)
ABC's mission is to provide education using science-based and traditional information to promote responsible use of herbal medicine. We serve the public, researchers, educators, healthcare professionals, industry, and media.
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Book: "Attracting Birds: From the Prairies to the Atlantic" (New York, Crowell) Out of Print--Limited Availability
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