Friday, January 16, 2009

Practical Applications

  • Generate an "Alert List" of recently introduced weeds that are spreading rapidly across the region. An early warning list is an essential prerequisite for pro-active management.
  • The Extension Service could determine which new weeds need to be included in ID training programs and bulletins, and where efforts for established weeds need to be increased.
  • Each county weed supervisor or other agency weed manager could be provided with a county, approximate area, district, or forest specific list of exotic plants and sensitive native species.
  • Program can detect where a weed came from by plotting regional scale distribution patterns for sequential time intervals. Crop inspection, vehicle cleaning, and other regulatory actions could be used to reduce the transport of noxious weed seeds to new areas.
  • Graphic plots of the cumulative number of counties reporting a weed over the year of the report combined with maps of the reported distribution suggest what type of regional scale strategic management might be most appropriate for that weed.
  • Spread pattern plots, maps, and summary statistics and graphics derived from the database could be use to illustrate the extent and severity of the invasion process to lay decision makers who make budgetary and policy decisions.
  • A shared database on weed distributions and spread rates could reduce the political aspects of listing weeds as noxious.
  • Distribution maps help identify possible multi-agency cooperators for weed management projects.
  • Taxonomic name questions are greatly simplified because the INVADERS software links old names (synonyms) to the currently accepted scientific name as well as the Weed Science Society common name.
  • Each specific weed name could be linked to an "IPM Toolbox" which would provide a list of registered herbicides, biological agents, and references for control strategies using grazing, cultivation, and mechanical techniques.

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