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DMA Bulletin

A demonstration of method applicability (DMA) is an initial site-specific performance evaluation for a wide range of sampling, testing, and data management tools. DMAs are key components of using real-time measurement technologies under the Triad approach. This technology bulletin provides answers to frequently asked questions on key aspects of DMAs, highlights examples of DMAs performed at hazardous waste sites, and offers sources of additional information for communities and project teams that desire to impelement DMAs and the Triad approach.

Green Remediation

In accordance with its mission to protect human health and the environment, EPA is dedicated to developing and promoting innovative cleanup strategies that restore contaminated sites to productive use, reduce associated costs, and promote environmental stewardship. With the implementation of green remediation, these goals can be met by considering all environmental effects of remedy implementation and incorporating options to maximize net environmental benefit of cleanup actions. Green remediation reduces the demand placed on the environment during cleanup activities, which is known as the “footprint” of remediation....[more]

Vapor Intrusion

Redevelopment of brownfield sites plays an important role in stimulating the economic revitalization of communities by bringing vacant or underutilized properties into productive use and offsetting the need to develop open land, or “green space.” Along with the normal financial and business risks associated with developing property, brownfields redevelopers must manage environmental risk, including that due to vapor intrusion-the migration of chemical vapors from contaminated soil and groundwater into buildings. EPA’s primer, Vapor Intrusion Considerations for Brownfields Redevelopment...[more]

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