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Sustainable NREL

About Sustainable NREL

NREL's sustainability practices incorporate a framework of economic viability, environmental stewardship, and public responsibility. NREL formalized its Sustainable NREL initiative in 2000 to proactively pursue sustainability in all its operations including the laboratory's Environmental Management System in order to meet NREL's environmental stewardship goals. In addition, the Department of Energy has charged NREL with the responsibility of providing leadership in the DOE complex in achieving Executive Order 13423 (E.O.) and complying with DOE's Transformational Energy Action Management (TEAM) Initiative.

By actively working to maintain a sustainable environment in our own workplace the laboratory demonstrates its commitment to minimal use of resources such as energy, materials, and water, while receiving the maximum value from those resources used—along with balancing environmental, economic, and human impacts.

Executive Order 13423

E.O. 13423 was issued in fiscal year 2007 by President George Bush to strengthen federal environmental, energy, and transportation management. This E.O. established comprehensive aggressive federal agency goals for increased energy efficiency, renewable energy generation use, petroleum reduction/alternative fuel use, sustainable building standards, water conservation, etc.

Transformational Energy Action Management (TEAM) Initiative

In follow-up to E.O. 13423, Secretary Samuel Bodman implemented the DOE TEAM Initiative. TEAM requires that DOE will lead the federal agencies in the implementation of the E.O. goals at an unprecedented scale and rate.

Integrating Sustainability in Laboratory Operations and Practices

NREL has made significant progress in its goal to institutionalize sustainability at the laboratory and complying with the E.O and TEAM by fully integrating sustainability into all laboratory operations and practices.

Sustainable Building Practices

Using sustainable building practices, NREL is in the process of building out its campus, taking into consideration:

  • Open space, building density
  • Solar access
  • Parking and roads
  • Pedestrians and alternative modes of transportation
  • Landscaping
  • Habitat and site preservation
  • Storm water management
  • Security

Learn about what guides NREL's practices at Sustainable Green Buildings