Learning Among Friends


My Colby-Sawyer Experience

"I love my administrative role, but I also love to teach...the classroom is the most important place that I can hope to talk." - Tom Galligan, President, Colby-Sawyer College
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Student Government Association (SGA)

Do you want to be heard on this campus? Do you want to make a difference? Well the Student Government Association (SGA) is the primary vehicle for all students at Colby-Sawyer to get involved with the governance of the College. Every enrolled student is welcome to participate in the Student Government Association (SGA).

Twenty elected student officers comprise the SGA Executive Council and Senate. Senators serve on the following three standing committees: Clubs and Organizations Committee; Media Committee; and Issues Committee. The Senate Allocations Committee, chaired by the Treasurer, allocates the monies available for student activities to recognized clubs and organizations.

Auxiliary bodies of the SGA include the Executive Cabinet, comprised of the students appointed to faculty and staff committees, and the Senate Advisory Board, comprised of appointed representatives from each of the academic majors. These auxiliary bodies advise the President, Vice President, and Senate members and serve on ad-hoc committees when necessary.

SGA Meetings Are Open To The Entire College Community

Robin Burroughs Davis, Associate Dean of Students, advises the Student Government Association. Sharon E. Williamson, Director of Campus Activities, advises the SGA Finance Committee.

Colby-Sawyer College
541 Main Street
New London, NH 03257
Tel: 603-526-3000