K-12 Partnership

Michigan State University
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Grant Sources

Congratulations to grant recipients! 
  The Lawton team was awarded a Target Field Trip Grant to fund a trip to Bishop's Bog.
  The Harper Creek team was awarded a PRIDE grant from Calhoun School District to create a mobil growth lab. 
  The Martin team secured funding from Home Depot to purchase supplies for their schoolyard habitats. Katie Lander and Marcia Angle open a box of field trip supplies (including a check for $1000) from Target.


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Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge

A K-12 initiative to inspire student achievement in sustainability.  The middle school competition begins in mid September. www.wecanchangetheworldchallenge.com.

Melinda Gray Ardia Environmental Foundation Grants

Provide $1500 for K-12 environmental education projects, especially field activities with classroom ecological principles.  Deadline is September 27, 2008.  See www.mgaef.org.

Entomological Foundation

Mini-grants are available for K-12 Educators for curriculum development efforts or workshops emphasizing the use of insects in K-12 educational settings. This program is funded by the ESA and awards grants up to $2100.  Proposals can be submitted online at http://www.entfdn.org.  Deadline- Sept. 1


As part of the Target commitment supporting education, the innovative new Target Field Trip Grants program will award up to 800 educators grants of $1,000 each to fund a field trip for their students. From art museums and environmental projects to cultural events and civic experiences, Target Field Trip Grants could take you and your students on the ultimate field trip. Deadline - Nov. 1

The Rodale Institute's Kidregen.org

Any school* within the 50 United States with an organic garden may enter the contest.  The garden may be entered as a single classroom, multiple classrooms, an entire school, or a home school*.  The garden must be used by the school/classrooms for educational purposes. It can be of any shape, size, and style — let your imagination guide you! Awards of up to $1000 are available.  Deadline - Oct. 31

SeaWorld/Busch Gardents/Fujifilm Environmental Excellence Awards

Since 1993, the awards have recognized the outstanding efforts of students and teachers across the country who are working at the grassroots level to protect and preserve the environment. In fact, in the past decade, we've awarded $1.4 million to more than 125 schools in 40 U.S. states/territories.  Deadline - Nov. 30, 2006

Olympus America, Inc., & Tool Factory, Inc

Bring your students together for a class project using Olympus digital cameras and Tool Factory's project-building software. It's easy to enter. Just submit a description of your intended project and a budget.  Deadline - Jan. 5 & June 30


The Toyota TAPESTRY program awards 50 grants of up to $10,000 each and a minimum of 20 "mini-grants" of $2,500 each to K-12 science teachers. Interested teachers should propose innovative science projects that can be implemented in their school or school district over a one-year period. Toyota TAPESTRY projects demonstrate creativity, involve risk-taking, possess a visionary quality, and model a novel way of presenting science. If you have a great way to make science come alive, apply for a Toyota TAPESTRY grant.  Deadline - Jan. 18

National Tree Trust Community

Schools can apply to receive free tree seedlings through NTT’s Community Tree Planting Program.  Containers and money for soil are also available.

National Wildlife Federation

Offers grants to assist with the development, maintenance, and continued educational use of habitat-based learning sites on school grounds.  Recipients commit to certifying their projects as official Schoolyard Habitat sites within one year of receiving their award.  Deadline - Jan. 15

The Environmental Protection Agency

Each year, EPA's Environmental Education Program awards grants to state agencies, non-profit groups, schools and universities, and tribal organizations to support environmental education (EE) programs and projects.  Deadline - Nov

America the Beautiful Fund

ABF provides seeds free-of-charge; schools pay only for shipping and handling.  Deadline - NA

National Gardening Association

Each year 400 schools and youth groups are awarded tools, seeds, garden products, and educational materials.  Deadline - varies by program

Learn and Serve America

Supports service learning projects by funding state agencies and other organizations, which then select and fund local service learning programs.  Deadline - see website for annoucement of new opportunities

The Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education Fund

Provides small grants to schools and other educational organizations that work towards creating natural landscapes using native plants. Deadline - Nov. 15

Toshiba America

The mission of Toshiba America Foundation is to promote quality science and mathematics education in U.S. schools. Grants are made for programs and activities that improve teaching and learning in science and mathematics, grades K-12. The Foundation focuses its grant making on inquiry-based projects designed by individual teachers, and small teams of teachers, for use in their own classrooms.  Deadline - varies by program

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Conservation Education Grants

Provides challenge grants to projects that promote fish and wildlife habitat conservation.  Deadline - none specified

Lowe's Toolbox for Education Grant Program

Lowe's Charitable and Educational Foundation (LCEF) lets you pick a project that meets your schools needs and gels with your parent group's mission.  They've funded gardens, nature trails, and many other things in the past.  Your project must be completed within one year of when the grant is received.  Deadline - Oct. 15 & Feb. 15  

Michigan Space Grant Consortium

Funds projects that enhance K-12 student literacy in science,
technology, and math.  Preference in given to projects focusing on aerospace, space, or earth system science.  They like programs targeting underrepresented groups (additional funding for women, minorities, disabilities).  Several funds here with different purposes--one funds things like science fairs and workshops, another is for development, implementation, and/or testing of activities or supplementary resources that help reach state education goals (benchmarks, etc).

Lindbergh Grants program

Each year, The Charles A. and Anne Morrow Lindbergh Foundation provides grants to individuals' work that furthers the Lindberghs' vision of a balance between the advance of technology and the preservation of the natural/human environment.  They think of themselves as a provider of seed money and credibility for pilot projects.  Their subfoci include (can combine these):  conservation of natural resources - including animals, plants, water, and general conservation land, air, energy, etc.); AND education - including humanities/education, the arts, and intercultural communication.  Deadline - Second Thursday of June

NABT and Vernier Software & Technology -
Ecology/Environmental Science Teaching Award

Sponsored by Vernier Software & Technology, the Ecology/Environmental Teaching Award will be given to a secondary school teacher who has successfully developed and demonstrated an innovative approach in the teaching of ecology/environmental science and has carried his/her commitment to the environment into the community.  Deadline - Oct. 15


Other Helpful Websites

Schoolgrants.org - Grant-writing tips, sample grants, funding opportunities

Michigan.gov – directory of grant programs and list of other federal and private grant sources

National Education Association - list of grant trograms

MDEQ - list of great websites for grants

Last updated: September 12, 2008

A Legacy of Conservation
A Commitment to Sustainability

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MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity institution.