California Integrated Waste Management Board

Organic Materials Management

Organics Policy Roadmap and Schedule

Compostable organic materials comprise over 25 percent or about 10 million tons of what is disposed in landfills annually. The CIWMB wants California to reduce the amount of organics being landfilled by 50 percent by 2020. To do this, at least 15 million tons of organics, much of it compostable, needs to be recycled annually, as identified in the CIWMB’s “Organics Roadmap” discussed at the CIWMB’s December 11, 2007, meeting, Agenda Item 15 (MS Word, 104 KB).

Staff assessed the various issues raised by stakeholders at the March 28, 2007, Biofuels Forum (Word, 41 KB) and the October 10, 2007, Summary of Organics Summit (MS Word, 66 KB) and developed the following six key issue categories that it suggests require more focused work and consideration by the Board Members: alternative daily cover (ADC) policy, economic incentives, siting and capacity, regulatory and permitting, research, and education. These common issues and timing for addressing them are the foundation for an Organics Policy Roadmap:

Key Issue Categories and their Implementation Schedule

Alternative Daily Cover Policy

Economic Incentives and Disincentives (Non-ADC)

Siting and Capacity Development

Regulatory and Permitting Constraints

Research, Product Standards, and Technology Evaluation

Education and Procurement

Nothing scheduled at this time.

Last updated: July 22, 2008
Organic Materials Management