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Organic Materials Management

Compost and Mulch

Composting, nature's own way of recycling, is the controlled decomposition of organic material such as leaves, twigs, grass clippings, and vegetable food waste. A wide range of materials may be composted, but they must consist of principally organic components (i.e. carbon-containing remnants or residues of life processes).

Compost is the soil amendment product that results from proper composting. Whether it's done on site, at the point of waste generation or in a large-scale, centralized facility, composting helps to keep the high volume of organic material out of landfills and turns it into a useful product.

On-site composting reduces the cost of hauling materials and is generally exempted from solid waste regulations. Large scale facilities can handle more material and potentially produce a more consistent product, but may be faced with regulatory issues.

Below are links to information for specific audiences and their needs related to compost and mulch.

Homeowner Resources

Producers of Compost and Mulch

Government Agencies: Procurement

Compost Demonstration Projects

Additional Resources


Last updated: October 17, 2008

Organic Materials Management 