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Join New England Wild Flower Society

last modified January 07, 2009

Support our conservation mission


We invite you to join us or give the gift of membership! 

Support-Childrens-tour_c_LisaMattei.jpgEach new member adds one more voice to help spread the word about the value and beauty of our native plant heritage. By joining our community of stewards you become part of an organization that has been a leader in native plant conservation, education, and action for more than 100 years.


Join as an individual, organization, or corporate member. If you like hands-on involvement, we have many volunteer opportunities. Thank you for considering joining New England Wild Flower Society.


Our members come from all walks of life—amateurs and professionals, conservationists and gardeners—yet we all share a love our natural heritage. Protecting native plants and their habitats is central to our shared mission. As a member you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you are supporting the health of the environment, while enjoying many benefits: discounts, free admission to Garden in the Woods, and access to a wealth of plant information. We welcome you.