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Plugins, Applets, and Cookie Disclaimer


The following plugins are recommended to enable viewing of certain files and/or information that is on the SDRS web site:

Adobe Acrobat Reader:
Adobe Acrobat Reader provides the ability to read .pdf formated files. This software is free and provided by Adobe. Download Acrobat Reader
Most browsers are currently set up to automatically install the JavaScript plugin. If you have JavaScript turned off or not installed the following items on the SDRS web site will not work properly:
  • Random USGS images for the Header (top of page)
  • The URL of this page is... (footer)
  • Last Update: (footer)
  • Style Switcher: (Style: Graphical Version | Text Version)
  • The ability for the browser to preload a few images (mainly used for the main navigational buttons)
Please refer to your current browser documentation for instructions on how to enable/disable JavaScript.


SDRS doesn't use any applets at this time.


SDRS has found it necessary to use a cookie that enables users to turn off styles during their session at the SDRS web site, providing a more accessible, screen reader friendly, text version of the web site. This cookie is only stored on your computer until you close the browser; upon closing your browser the cookie is automatically deleted.