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Frequently Asked Questions
When do I need a nursery license?
When do I need a Christmas tree license?
What is the difference between licenses?
How do I calculate the cost for a nursery license?
How do I calculate the cost of a Christmas tree license?
What is required to ship plants out of state?
What is required to bring plants into Oregon from another state?
What is required to ship plants internationally?
What is an import permit?
How do I find out if a plant I am selling is a noxious weed?
Where can I have a plant pest or pathogen identified?
How do I contact my area horticulturist if I have questions?
When do I need a nursery license?
When do I need a nursery license?
A license issued by the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) is required by anyone operating as a grower or dealer of nursery stock in Oregon. The department offers three different types of nursery licenses, including one for dealers, one for greenhouse growers of herbaceous plants, and one for wholesale growers and collectors of native plants. All nurseries that operate as dealers, growers or agents are required to have a current nursery license. Exceptions include businesses whose total sales do not exceed $250 per fiscal year and/or landscaping businesses or brokers that do not grow or store live plant material for more than one year. These parties do not require a license but may apply for one if they choose. Licenses are valid for one year and must be renewed by June 30 of the next year. Licenses are not prorated for segments of any fiscal year.
When do I need a Christmas tree license?
When do I need a Christmas tree license?
Growers of Christmas trees with acreage of one acre or more are also required to license with the ODA. Licenses are valid for one year and must be renewed by June 30 of the next year. Licenses are not prorated for segments of any fiscal year.
What is the difference between licenses?
What is the difference between licenses offered by the nursery and Christmas tree program?
The nursery and Christmas tree program issues four different types of licenses: retail nursery license, greenhouse/herbaceous plant nursery license, wholesale nursery, and Christmas tree license. The retail nursery license is utilized for dealers (retail), florists, and landscapers who do not grow or propagate plant material, but instead sell plant material grown by other nurseries. Individuals growing or propagating plants in only a hothouse or greenhouse should select a greenhouse nursery license. A wholesale nursery is one that propagates or grows plants in the field or in pots and typically sells to other nurseries or landscapers. The wholesale nursery may also have greenhouses and one sales location. Growers of conifers intended for the use of cut Christmas-trees must obtain a Christmas tree license. ODA nursery staff at (503) 986-4644 will be happy to help you figure out the appropriate license.
How do I calculate the cost for a nursery license?
How do I calculate the cost for a nursery license? How do I find a nursery license application form?
Nursery license fees are calculated depending on the type of license. Nursery retail licenses are based upon reported annual purchases while nursery grower licenses are based upon reported gross sales. Please use nursery license calculator to determine appropriate nursery license fees.

A research assessment fee, calculated by gross sales/purchases X 0.0002, is included as part of the license cost. The minimum assessment is $10.00. Research assessment fees are applied to research projects selected by the ODA’s Nursery Advisory Committee. The results of the research are published for all to use.

A plant pest and disease emergency fund assessment is also included as part of the nursery license costs. This emergency fund was created during the 2005 legislative session to give the department the ability to respond rapidly to pest and disease emergencies that affect the nursery industry. This year’s fund assessment is a $4.00 flat fee for each licensee. For summary of nursery fee schedules see Oregon Administrative Rules or nursery application form (pdf, 12kB).
How do I calculate the cost of a Christmas tree license?
How do I calculate the cost of a Christmas tree license? How do I find Christmas tree license application form?
Christmas tree licenses include a basic charge of $60 plus an acreage-based fee. To figure Christmas tree license fees use the Christmas tree license calculator. For a summary of fee schedules see Oregon Administrative Rules or the Christmas tree applications form (pdf, 8kB).
What is required to ship plants out of state?
I am interested in shipping plants out of state. What certifications are required?
Various restrictions may apply and certain certifications may be required, depending on the type of plants and the destination state of the shipment. See a summary of export quarantines at: http://egov.oregon.gov/ODA/PLANT/NURSERY/export_quarantine.shtml
Also visit the National Plant Board website: http://www.nationalplantboard.org/F&SQS/sqs.html to check individual state restrictions.
What is required to bring plants into Oregon from another state?
I am interested in bringing plants into Oregon from another state. What certifications are required?
Various restrictions may apply and certain certifications may be required, depending on the type of plants and the state of origin. See a summary of import quarantines at:
Note: Oregon Administrative Rule 603-054-0027 requires the receiver of all out of state trees and shrubs to notify the ODA Plant Division at 503-986-4644 or fax 503-986-4786 of the shipment no more than two days after the shipment.
What is required to ship plants internationally?
I am shipping plants internationally. What certifications are required?
Most plants and propagative plant parts require a federal phytosanitary certificate issued by a certified state or federal official. Before a phytosanitary certificate is issued, the plant shipment must be first be inspected by a state or federal official for pests, pathogens, and invasive weeds of concern to the importing country. An Import Permit from receiving countries may also be required. Please check with your area horticulturist: http://egov.oregon.gov/ODA/PLANT/NURSERY/contact_us.shtml for country restrictions and requirements. Plant import and export information from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) can be found at:
What is an import permit?
What is an import permit? How do I know if an import permit is needed for plant material in an international shipment?
A plant import permit is an official document listing requirements and restrictions from the receiving country. Please check with your area horticulturist: http://egov.oregon.gov/ODA/PLANT/NURSERY/contact_us.shtml for import permit necessity and requirements. If shipping to Canada, a list of plants requiring import permits can be found at the following website:
How do I find out if a plant I am selling is a noxious weed?
How do I find out if a plant I am selling is a noxious weed?
Visit the Noxious Weed Control Program’s state noxious weed list and program site at:
http://egov.oregon.gov/ODA/PLANT/WEEDS/lists.shtml for information. Also visit the Federal Noxious Weeds Program: http://www.aphis.usda.gov/plant_health/plant_pest_info/weeds/index.shtml

Where can I have a plant pest or pathogen identified?
I have found pests/pathogens on my plants. Where can I have the pests/pathogens identified?
Licensees of nurseries and Christmas tree plantations may contact their nursery inspectors for assistance in the identification of plant pests or pathogens. The ODA entomology and plant pathology laboratories and personnel in Salem are also available for plant diseases identification. Other diagnostic clinics are offered by Oregon State University.
How do I contact my area horticulturist if I have questions?
How do I contact my area horticulturist if I have questions?
Contact information can be found at the following website: http://egov.oregon.gov/ODA/PLANT/NURSERY/contact_us.shtml When e-mailing your inspector, please copy to our program assistant, Sue Nash, for coverage in case the horticulturist is unavailable or out of town. Click here to view a map of regional divisions for the nursery inspectors in Oregon.
Page updated: December 31, 2007

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