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CPRS Open File Reports:

  1. Paxton, E.H., M. Sogge, T. Theimer, J. Girard, & P. Keim. 2008. Relevant Invasive Species Program Goals and Invasive Species Related Highlights & Key Findings and Accomplishments. [Open-File Report]
  2. Paxton, E.H., M. Sogge, T. Theimer, J. Girard, & P. Keim. 2008. Using Molecular Genetic Markers to Resolve a Subspecies Boundary:the Northern Boundary of the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher int the Four- corner States. USGS, Michael Diggles.URL: [Open-File Report]
  3. Johnson, M.J., S.L. Durst, C.M. Calvo, L. Stewart, M.K. Sogge, G. Bland, and T. Arundel. 2008. Yellow-billed Cuckoo Distrbution, Abundance, and Habitat Use Along the Lower Colorado River and It's Tributaries, 2007 Annual Report. [Open-File Report]
  4. Miller, Mark E., R. K. Mann, H. Goldstein, & J. D. Yount. 2007. Ecological investigations of the federally endangered Shivwits Milk-Vetch (Astragalus ampullarioides) - 2006 Annual Report. USGS Open File Report 2007-1050. [Open-File Report]
  5. Miller, M.E., D.L. Witwicki, R.K. Mann, and N.J. Tancreto. 2007. Field evaluations of sampling methods for long-term monitoring of upland ecosystems on the Colorado Plateau. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1243 [available on the World Wide Web at URL]. [Open-File Report]
  6. Persons, Trevor B. And Erika M. Nowak. 2007. Inventory of Amphibians and Reptiles at Mojave National Preserve, Open File Report 2007-1109. USGS. [Open-File Report]
  7. Durst, S.L., M.K. Sogge, S.D. Stump, S.O. Williams, B.E. Kus, and S.J. Sferra. 2007. Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Breeding Site and Territory Summary-2006. USGS,DOI,Open File Report2007-1391. [Open-File Report]
  8. Paxton, E.H., M.K. Sogge, S.L. Durst, T.C. Theimer, and J.R. Hatten. 2007. The Ecology of the Southwestern Flycatcher in Central Arizona- a 10-year Synthesis Report. USGS,Open File Report 2007-1381. [Open-File Report]
  9. Hatten,J.R.,and M.K. Sogge. 2007. Using a Remote Sensing Model/GIS to Predict Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Breeding Habitat along the Rio Grande, New Mexico 2007. USGS. [Open-File Report]
  10. Johnson, Matthew J., J. A. Holmes, C. Calvo, I. Samuels, S. Krantz, & M. K. Sogge. 2007. Yellow-Billed Cuckoo distribution, abundance, and habitat use along the lower Colorado and tributaries - 2006 Annual Report. Open File Report 2007-1097. USGS. [Open-File Report]
  11. Persons, T.B., and E.M, Nowak. 2006. Inventory of amphibians and reptiles at Death Valley National Park. U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center, Colorado Plateau Research Station, Open-File Report 2006-1233, 32 p. [Open-File Report]
  12. Persons, T.B., E.M. Nowak, and S. Hillard. 2006. Inventory of amphibians and reptiles at Manzanar National Historic Site, CA OFR 2006-1232. U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center, Colorado Plateau Research Station, Open-File Report 2006-1232, 27 p. [Open-File Report]
  13. Fisher, J.F., K.L., Cole, and R.S., Anderson. 2006. Using packrat middens to assess how grazing influences vegetation change in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah. U.S. Geological Survey, Southwest Biological Science Center, Colorado Plateau Research Station, Open-File Report 2006-1183, 55 p. [Open-File Report]
  14. Fisher, Jessa F., K. Cole, R. S. Anderson. 2006. Using packrat middens to assess how grazing influences vegetation change in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Utah. USGS. [Open-File Report]
  15. Jeff Jenness, J. Judson Wynne. 2005. Cohen's Kappa and Classification Table Metrics 2.0: An ArcView 3x Extension for Accuracy Assessment of Spatially Explicit Models. USGS. Open-File Report OF 2005-1363. [Open-File Report]
  16. Trevor B. Persons. 2005. Distribution and Habitat Association of the Little Striped Whiptail (Cnemidophorus inornatus) at Wupatki National Monument, Arizona. Open-File Report OF 2005-1139. [Open-File Report]