Learning Among Friends


My Colby-Sawyer Experience

"They trained me to be an infantryman, but there's no place for me to do that in the civilian world..." - Mike Rodriguez, History, Society and Culture Major
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college communications

Communications Staff

Kimberly Swick Slover Director of Communications
Caretakers Cottage 1st Floor, x3647

David Morcom
Director of Publications
Caretakers Cottage 2nd Floor, x3730

Ryan Emerson Director of Sports Information
Hogan Center, x3783

Campus Style, Web and Communications Guides

For information about internal communications guides and policies, please visit the following Web pages

The Colby-Sawyer College Style Guide provides the college community with a resource for editorial style in the preparation of print and online communications.

Web Site Guidelines establish a set of guidelines and resources for creating and maintaining Web pages for departments, offices, clubs and organizations.

The college's guidelines for internal communications outline the protocols for mass e-mail and voice-mail.

The college has established a set of guidelines for positive Community Relations along with a list of current town-gown collaborations.

Information Resources Policies outline the college's policies for technology and library resources.

Communications Office Campus Services

  • General questions - Kate Seamans

  • Advertisements, event promotion, flyers, posters - Edward Germar

  • Athletics events information - Ryan Emerson

  • Colby-Sawyer Currents - Kimberly Slover

  • Editing, proofreading - David Morcom

  • Press releases, publicity - Kimberly Slover

  • Publications, 3- and 4-color marketing pieces - David Morcom

  • Production and printing - David Morcom

  • Video production - David Morcom

  • Media inquiries - Kimberly Slover

  • On athletics/sports - Ryan Emerson

  • Other subjects - Kimberly Slover

  • Web site - Kimberly Slover, Edward Germar

Publicity, Advertising and Media Relations

News and event information for internal publications (Colby-Sawyer Web site/CSC Currents online magazine). Research, development, production and placement of news releases and stories for broadcast, electronic, or print media; public service announcements for broadcast media; community calendar listings. Preparation for media interviews.

Please contact the following individuals for the following subject areas:

Faculty, staff, student news; awards, achievements, activities; publicity about programs; hometown news; student activities, events, and projects – Kimberly Slover, Edward Germar

Athletics and sports – Ryan Emerson

How to Access Services

Publicity workloads can be extremely variable, depending on the time of the year or cycle of news events. Please contact the appropriate person listed above as early as possible in advance of when you would like media coverage to appear.

News releases should be sent to the media two weeks in advance and this may require two-to-three weeks of advance preparation, depending on staff workloads.

News releases describing such major events should be sent to the media a month in advance and may require several weeks of preparation.

Proofreading and Editing

The Communications Office provides proofreading and editing services for college publications and advertisements/promotional materials intended for external audiences. These include brochures, news releases, playbills, event and commencement programs, schedules of events, white papers, and all other pieces to be printed by outside vendors. Although individual department heads are responsible for Web site content related to their respective areas, the Communications Office can assist in editing/proofreading new text for major promotional pages.

Please note: Colby-Sawyer applies The Colby-Sawyer Style Guide, based on the Associated Press Stylebook, in all of its publications. This style guide offers guidelines for formatting, punctuation, word usage, and thousands of other elements that go into creating professional-looking documents. We apply these guidelines to ensure that your end product meets college style standards because consistency and appearance are important in our printed materials. Readers will judge the quality of our institution, people, and programs by the quality of our publications.

Design and Production of Print and Advertising Material

The Communications Office designs print advertisements (display or transaction ads), one- or two-color brochures, flyers, postcards, posters, and other promotional pieces cost effectively and to conform to image standards. If you design your own print ad(s), please have the Communications Office review them before they go to the printer or outside vendor.

Please note: If you routinely use an ad template (for ads such as those produced by the Dan and Kathleen Hogan Sports Center and Human Resources), you do not need us to review them. However, you are welcome to ask us to proof these types of ads.

How to Access Services

As soon as you know you will need an ad, brochure, or other promotion piece, e-mail or call Edward Germar at x3728 to arrange a meeting. Earlier is better, even if it's months in advance and you don't yet have all the details. When you contact Edward, she will need to know the following:

  • Amount in your budget to cover the cost of the piece(s) and which college account to charge;
  • Any other information that affects communicating with your target audience;
  • Date(s), time(s), location(s), fee(s) for your event, program;
  • Deadlines under which you are working;
  • Number of units to be produced for each promotional piece.

For proofing of ads or other materials, please allow at least four working days. For production of ads, posters, etc., please call Edward as early as possible so that she can fit your project into her production schedule.

Design/Production/Printing of Major Publications and Video Products

David Morcom serves as the college's contact for all high-end publications, such as three- and four-color brochures, Colby-Sawyer Alumni Magazine, special campaign tabloids and publications, etc. He also has extensive experience in video pre- and post-production. He negotiates contracts and oversees relationships with such vendors as graphic designers, photographers, printers, and video production companies. He sets all specifications for print and video projects; requests bids when necessary; negotiates prices; chooses the proper vendor for the job; controls project spending; and oversees the production process, schedule, and delivery.

How to Access Services

As soon as you are aware of a need to produce a high-end brochure, publication, or video, contact David at x3730 or dmorcom@colby-sawyer.edu to arrange a concept meeting.

Web Site

Kimberly Slover, in cooperation with the Information Resources, Web consultant Mike Yacavone, and the college's Web Council, share responsibility for oversight of the college's official Web site. The Communications Office currently offers editorial and design services for campus departments and offices. We can advise college offices on creating strong content and compelling images, creating web forms and PDFs, and generally on improving or expanding sites within the college Web site. Although individual department heads are responsible for Web pages related to their respective areas, we are happy to help you brainstorm, develop ideas, propose links, or review graphic or photographic images, etc. We can also assist in putting print publications online, and publishing online promotional/marketing materials.

How to Access Services

For technical concerns, contact Edward Germar. For stylistic or editorial concerns, contact Kimberly Slover. Please allow a minimum of one week for these services.

Web-editing Tutorial

Approved Web editors now have access to an online guide about how to edit Web pages. To visit the Web tutorial, click here.

Colby-Sawyer College
541 Main Street
New London, NH 03257
Tel: 603-526-3000