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Since 2003, UMCA has been supported by and managed three significant USDA - ARS programs, representing more than 50 individual projects. The Center seeks to develop the scientific basis for designing and prescribing agroforestry practices within a "systems context," which allows technology to be used most effectively. To achieve this goal, our research efforts have been organized into eleven research "clusters" to enhance creativity and productivity among a range of investigators from many disciplines. UMCA research continues to serve as a catalyst for stimulating the development of agroforestry throughout the United States.
Research Clusters

The Center and its collaborators are actively publishing research findings in top scientific journals and publications in an ongoing effort to promote an understanding of the impact agroforestry can make on Missouri and the entire temperate zone worldwide.
Current Publications
Past Publications 2000-2004

The Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center (HARC), located at New Franklin, Mo., is the primary research site for UMCA. This 660-acre farm opened in 1953, incorporated a major agroforestry dimension in 1993, and includes several experimental fruit and nut orchards; forest farming, riparian buffer and silvopasture demonstrations; forage shade trials; greenhouses; a 12-channel flood tolerance laboratory; five lakes and ponds and one of Missouri's oldest brick homes, the 1819 Thomas Hickman House.
Horticulture and Agroforestry Research Center

2007 Research Highlights (PDF, 10.9 MB)
2006 Research Highlights (PDF, 4.7 MB)
2005 Research Highlights (PDF, 3.7 MB)

College of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
School of Natural Resources
Horticulture & Agroforestry Research Center

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