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Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay Launches First Online Network for Bay Community

Watershed Network website
New network will connect scientists, environmental professionals and local citizens working to restore the Bay region’s land and waterways.

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October 2008 --The Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay has launched the Chesapeake Watershed Network, an online networking community that will connect scientists, environmental professionals and local citizens working to restore the Bay region’s land and waterways.

The new online forum, which was launched as part of the annual Chesapeake Watershed Forum in Shepherdstown, W.Va., will enhance networking and collaboration between individuals and organizations that share a common purpose of preserving the nation’s largest estuary.

The Chesapeake Watershed Network is similar to other online communities such as Facebook and LinkedIn. It includes features such as profiles, groups, blogs and discussion boards that allow members to share ideas and projects with the community. Members can create and join groups related to specific regions, projects, topics and organizations, and use those groups to correspond with others that have similar interests.

The network also features a community directory of everyone in the network, which members can search to find colleagues by state, organization or common interest.

All individuals and organizations working to protect and restore the Bay are encouraged to join the network. Through collaboration with the greater Chesapeake community, we can strengthen our efforts to save our Bay and local waterways.

Join the Chesapeake Watershed Network at www.chesapeakenetwork.org.

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Last modified: 10/08/2008
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