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Help Collect Tree Seeds to Protect the Potomac River

forest image
Protect the Potomac River, its creeks and streams, and the Chesapeake by volunteering to collect tree seeds.

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September 2008 --If you’re seeking a way to help the Bay this fall, look no further than your own backyard. You and your family, school, church or group can help protect the Potomac River, its creeks and streams, and the Chesapeake by volunteering to collect tree seeds through a program called Growing Native.

Growing Native volunteers collect native tree seeds, including acorns, walnuts, hickory nuts and beech nuts, from yards, parks and other designated areas in the Potomac River watershed. Seeds can be collected now through November 1.

The seeds are used to create seedlings that are eventually planted along the Potomac and its creeks and streams. Streamside forests are an important part of protecting clean water in the Bay and its tributaries because they filter pollutants from stormwater runoff and provide habitat for birds and animals.

Since Growing Native began in 2001, nearly 30,000 volunteers have collected more than 94,000 pounds of native tree seeds. Growing Native is managed by the Potomac Conservancy.

Visit Growing Native’s Web site for more information, including:

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Last modified: 09/09/2008
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