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Bay Watershed Population Continues to Rise

Del., W.Va., show highest percentage increases in growth

September 2006 -- The latest population estimates developed by the U.S. Census Bureau confirm what most of us have already observed in our local watershed communities: the population of the Bay watershed is growing—and it may not slow down anytime soon.

There are approximately 16.6 million people now living in the Bay watershed, according to U.S. Geological Survey scientists at the Bay Program. This is up 5.2 percent from 2000, when 15.8 million people were estimated to live in the watershed. By 2020, scientists project that the population of the watershed will exceed 18 million.

As the population continues to climb, so does pollution into the Bay, in the form of additional cars, buildings, power plants and septic systems. Those who have chosen to live and raise families in the Bay watershed because of its tremendous cultural, historic and natural beauty are in danger of loving this valuable resource to death.

The most significant population increases from 2000-2005 have been in Delaware and West Virginia:

  • The Bay watershed portion of West Virginia grew by about 27,000 new residents, mostly in the state's panhandle. This is an increase of 11.6 percent over five years, the highest percentage increase of the Bay watershed states.
  • In Delaware, the population of the Bay watershed portion of the state grew by about 10,000, an 11.3 percent increase. In addition, the number of building permits for single-family housing units in that state has increased at an even faster rate since 2000, indicating that the population there will continue to grow.

The Bay watershed portion of Virginia has also seen some changes since 2000. While growth in that state is generally in line with previous years, most of the counties along interstates 95 and 66 are growing very rapidly. Notable areas include Loudoun County, which saw an increase of more than 81,000 people, and Prince William County , whose population soared from approximately 284,000 to over 348,000.

With the increased number of people in the watershed, it is more important than ever for residents to be aware of the effect their actions have on the Bay. Whether its driving less, conserving water or choosing a Bay-friendly lawn care provider, making the Bay a part of each person's everyday choices is a step in the right direction for the future of the watershed.

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Last modified: 02/14/2008
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